Visual, Interactive Book Reviews for You

Confessions of a Post-Doc Pastor

It has been over two years since I defended my dissertation. Much has happened since that day. I am five months into a new call, which I love. Yet, I have a confession to make. I miss being in school. Sometimes, when I get a little stressed, or over-peopled (I am an...

The Doodled Dissertation

Sunni Brown says that doodling is an intellectual activity (see her TED talk). This declaration comes as a welcomed validation since I doodled my way through every class in the PhD program. Not only that, I doodled through my dissertation. You can view the entire...
Visual, Interactive Book Reviews for You

Trinity Sunday

Today is Trinity Sunday. It is also the day of my commencement upon which I will be given the title The Reverend Doctor Steven Paul Thomason, Ph.D. Weird. It is appropriate that this ceremony take place on Trinity Sunday, since the Trinity is at the heart of my...

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