
Theology is one of those scary words that either intimidates people or rallies them for a fight. It shouldn't be that way.


Theology is just the process of talking (or doodling) about God.

A Friendly Introduction to Theology

This playlist of videos comes from a course I taught at Grace Lutheran Church in 2016. It builds off of the book Making Sense out of the Christian Faith by David Lose and combines it with my cartooning style and theological perspective. Watch. Share. Enjoy.

Browse My Theological Library

Visualizing an Open and Relational Theology


Deep in the Burbs is my PhD Dissertation, Luther Seminary, 2015

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Theology Posts

The Alpha and Omega Overflow

The Alpha and Omega Overflow

Here is a new version of the Overflow Principle. Everything flows from God, the Alpha, through us, for the telos of God, the Omega. Pretty cool.

The Trinity Animated

The Trinity Animated

This short animation allows you to contemplate the Trinity. The Bible speaks of God the creator. Jesus called God “Abba” which means Father, or Daddy. It is a term of endearment between child and parent. The Holy Spirit is the power of life and love throughout scripture. The Hebrew word is ruach.

The Trinity: Truth or Trap?

The Trinity: Truth or Trap?

Is the doctrine of The Holy Trinity the truth that accurately describes God, or is it a trap that can lead us into a harmful form of rigid thinking and idolatry?
The answer, in my opinion, is yes (in good Lutheran, paradoxical fashion).

Can We Call God Mother?

Can We Call God Mother?

Is it right to refer to God as Mother? This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so worship planners and preachers are faced with all kinds of opportunities and decisions about how to address motherhood in worship. What will you do this week? Will you embrace God as mother?

The Blind Men and the Elephant | An Ancient Parable Illustrated

The Blind Men and the Elephant | An Ancient Parable Illustrated

The ancient parable of the blind men and the elephant is an often used story to illustrate the limited nature of human knowing and the need for communication to deep understanding. I illustrated this story and made this video to use in classes. Feel free to use it in your own teaching.

Faith After Deconstruction | A Visual Guide

Faith After Deconstruction | A Visual Guide

This post explores the process of how to navigate the difficult transition when your faith system/worldview is deconstructed and leaves you feeling like you are in a freefall. Be encouraged. It is a natural process and there is hope in the journey.

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