Servants of the Vineyard | Visual Resources for Both Lectionaries on November 19, 2023

Servants of the Vineyard | Visual Resources for Both Lectionaries on November 19, 2023

This post offers visual resources for the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary for November 19, 2023. The RCL jumps to Judges and the story of Deborah for the first reading. The second reading is Zephaniah 1. The third reading marks the fifth week in 1 Thessalonians. The Gospel is Matthew 25:14-30. This is the parable of the talents that is part of the Eschatological Discourse. The NL jumps to the words of Isaiah 5 and 11 where Israel is compared to a vineyard that must be severely pruned. The Gospel reading is Mark 12:1-3 where Jesus tells the parable of the wicked tenants. I titled this Servants of the Vineyard because both lectionaries are dealing with the reckoning that must come when leaders misuse the gifts God has given them.

God and Kings | Visual Resources for Both Lectionaries on October 22, 2023

God and Kings | Visual Resources for Both Lectionaries on October 22, 2023

This post offers visual resources for the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary for October 22, 2023. The RCL continues with Exodus where Moses encounters the presence of God. It also takes us to Isaiah 45 and 1 Thessalonians. The Gospel is Matthew 22:15-22 where Jesus is asked about paying taxes to Caesar. The NL explores the story when David unified the tribes into one kingdom in 2 Samuel. The Gospel reading in Mark 11:8-10, the Triumphal Entry. I see a unifying theme in these texts that explores God’s expectations for a king or a political authority.

The Light of Joy | Visual Resources for Advent 3 and Both Lectionaries

The Light of Joy | Visual Resources for Advent 3 and Both Lectionaries

This post offers visual resources for the week of December 11, 2022 in the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary. It is the third Sunday of Advent and we light the candle of Joy. John the Baptist questions Jesus from prison. Are you the one? Jesus comments that John is Elijah (RCL). Isaiah offers a picture of the Messiah as one who will shine a light for the nations (NL).

One Perspective, Three Positions | A Sermon on Isaiah 6:1-8

One Perspective, Three Positions | A Sermon on Isaiah 6:1-8

This sermon explores the vision Isaiah had in Isaiah 6:1-8 and the three responses it evoked in him. It also connects Isaiah’s context to our own context in 2020. Isaiah’s vision came in “the year King Uzziah died.” It was one of “those years.” That was the year the Assyrian Empire began its invasion, and things went from bad to worse. We’re not having a great year in 2020 either. See how the new perspective Isaiah gained in this vision can evoke the same three positions in us and bring about the healing we need.

A Cartoonist’s Guide to Isaiah 5 and 11 | The Vineyard

A Cartoonist’s Guide to Isaiah 5 and 11 | The Vineyard

A visual meditation on Isaiah 5:1-7 and Isaiah 11:1-5. Isaiah compares Judah to a vineyard. It was expected to produce the sweet wine of justice and righteousness, but only produces the wild grapes of bloodshed and caused an outcry of pain. The vintner lets is fall apart. One day, though, a shoot will grow from the stump of Jesse who will be a vine that leads with Justice and Righteousness.

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