by Steve Thomason | Aug 1, 2023 | Spiritual Formation
This is a course I created for Faith+Lead Academy. It is built on my ongoing development of the Overflow Principle and how to grow in the love of God. If you sign up for my newsletter, I will be happy to give you the code for 25% off this course.
by Steve Thomason | May 7, 2020 | Devos, The Missional Church
What is God doing? That is the most important question that a disciple of Jesus can ask. How do we know what God is doing in a world that seems out of control?
by Steve Thomason | Sep 18, 2018 | Devos
I experienced another happy convergence this morning. Our texts for the weekend are John 17:20-24, Acts 2:42, and Colossians 3:14-17. Our theme in this third week of A Deep Life is Growing Together. The Spiritual Journey is not a solo adventure. We are not lone...
by Steve Thomason | Sep 7, 2018 | Spiritual Formation
I’ve been wrestling with the first sermon in our new series A Deep Life all day. My problem is that I have SO MUCH to say that I’m afraid a) I will overwhelm people, and b) it will go too long. I am so excited about this series, because it hits the core of...
by Steve Thomason | Sep 6, 2018 | Spiritual Formation
What does it mean to have a Deep Life? Meditate on this image for a while. What do you see? How is each figure related to the ocean? There are five figures in this image. Each one has a relationship with the ocean. Each relationship is good and valid. Yet, each one...