The Trinity Animated

The Trinity Animated

This short animation allows you to contemplate the Trinity. The Bible speaks of God the creator. Jesus called God “Abba” which means Father, or Daddy. It is a term of endearment between child and parent. The Holy Spirit is the power of life and love throughout scripture. The Hebrew word is ruach.

Why the Incarnation is So Important

Why the Incarnation is So Important

I had another convergence experience this morning. It was the convergence of our text for this week, John 3:1-21, with Richard Rohr’s daily meditation, and the presentation I made to our 9th graders this past Sunday. First, our text records the conversation between...
Entangled in the Trinity

Entangled in the Trinity

A group of high school students meets in my house every Tuesday night. It is not the same group of students from week to week, but, I believe it is the group of students that God wants to be there on any given week. Two weeks ago a student showed up that hadn’t...

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