The Triune God has a mission (missio Dei) to restore and recreate all things according to God’s original and ongoing vision of peace and wholeness.

A Missional Purpose Statement

Missional Spiritual Formation leaders are called to cultivate dedicated disciples of Jesus who are equipped to discern God’s action in the world and empowered to participate in it.

A More Academic Definition

The missional imagination is an understanding that the Triune God has a mission (missio Dei) to restore and recreate all things according to God’s original and ongoing vision of peace and wholeness. The conversation in the West around missiology and ecclesiology has seen a dramatic shift in the past one hundred years. The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were dominated by a Christendom model in which the church sent missionaries into the world to convert heathen nations to Christianity, thus colonizing the world into Western European culture and propagating oppression and marginalization of non-European people and cultures in the name of Jesus. A missional ecclesiology recognizes the Eurocentric and devastating effects the Christendom model of missions and ecclesiology has had on the world and strives to reimagine the nature of the church as missional at its core.

It recognizes the polycentric and pluriform nature of the Holy Spirit at work in the world. The church, within this perspective, is the congregation of those who are both gathered around the risen body of Jesus and sent into the world to find and proclaim the reign of God in and among all cultures as the church forms an interdependent relationship with all nations.  This missional activity is not uni-directional, moving from one central place where God is located and correctly understood to another place where God is completely absent. Rather, it is a polycentric, pluriform, multi-directional movement of God at work in all cultures, in diverse ways, bringing all cultures into generative conversation, in order to bring about peace and unity through the particular incarnation of the risen Jesus of Nazareth and the various incarnations of the Spirit within diverse cultures.

A Visual Guide to the Missional Church

I created the Prezi below in 2013 to serve as a visual map to help me study for my comprehensive exams for my PhD at Luther Seminary. It covers some key books that shaped the missional conversation, a timeline of Christian Missiology, an extensive timeline of the international mission organization meetings, and all my class notes from Dr. Craig Van Gelder. Enjoy!

Missional Church Posts

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Reveal Posts

  • Messy Life Together | A #Missional Sketch of Matthew 28:16-20
    Messy Life Together | A #Missional Sketch of Matthew 28:16-20
  • What is God Doing? | The Daily Prayer of a Missional Disciple
    What is God doing? That is the most important question that a disciple of Jesus can ask. How do we know what God is doing in a world that seems out of control?
  • Unity, Diversity, Interfaith Dialogue, and the Mission of the Church
    How can we find unity in a world that seems so divided with hatred and violence? That is an incredibly important question that has life and death implications. There are a few things converging this week, and today specifically, that address this question. First, our ninth grade students are currently in the process of visiting other ...
  • Nondual Thinking and the Missional Church
    Richard Rohr speaks a great deal about nondual thinking. His current series of daily meditations draws heavily on it. Read today’s post. Rohr says, The dualistic mind is essentially binary, either/or thinking. It knows by comparison, opposition, and differentiation. It uses descriptive words like good/evil, pretty/ugly, smart/stupid, not realizing there may be a hundred degrees between ...
  • Visual Notes from the Missional Leadership D.Min. Course
    I had the opportunity to c0-teach a Missional Leadership course in the D.Min. program at Luther Seminary this week with Dr. Terri Elton. This was a wonderful group of church leaders thinking seriously about this topic. This post is for them. Here is the image in which we dwelt together. Here are the visual notes I took ...
  • Changing from the Bottom Up
    Richard Rohr has fascinated me for many years. I read his daily meditations almost every day. This morning I found myself drawn in to his Introduction to the 2017 Daily Meditations theme in this 8-minute video called “From the Bottom Up.” During the video he references his newest book The Divine Dance and quotes Thomas Kuhn ...
  • Rethinking the Great Commission
  • What’s the Big Deal about Church? | A Sermon on #missional church
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  • Heaven and Earth
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  • Another PhD Candidate Seeking Missional Spirituality
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  • What is the Missional Church?
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  • The Virtual Body of Christ | A Missional Imagination for Community
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  • New Study Shows Major Changes Coming to the Twin Cities Suburbs
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  • Book | The Gospel in a Pluralist Society by Lesslie Newbigin
    Newbigin, Lesslie. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans; WCC Publications 1989. The Author – Lesslie Newbigin Key Quotes “If the gospel is to challenge the public life of our society, if Christians are to occupy the “high ground” which they vacated in the noontime of “modernity,” it will not be by forming a ...
  • Book | Foolishness to the Greeks by Lesslie Newbigin
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  • Book | Christianity After Religion by Diana Butler Bass
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  • Why the Missional Movement Will Fail | A Response to Mike Breen
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  • The Kingdom of Heaven, Theories of Culture, and the Missional Church
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  • Book | Missional Map-Making by Alan Roxburgh
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  • Book | Testing the Spirits edited by Patrick Keifert
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  • Article | Missio Dei – Understandings and Misunderstandings by Tormod Engelsviken
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  • Book | Translating the Message by Lamin Sanneh
    Sanneh, Lamin O. Translating the Message: The Missionary Impact on Culture. 2nd ed. American Society of Missiology Series.Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2009. The Author Lamin Sanneh is the D. Willis James Professor of Missions & World Christianity at Yale University. He, a naturalized U.S. citizen, is descended from the nyanchos, an ancient African royal house, and was ...
  • Listening to God in Everything | A Response to Lamin Sanneh’s Translating the Message
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  • Book | We Are Here Now by Patrick Keifert
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  • Book | The Missional Church in Perspective by Van Gelder and Zscheile
    Van Gelder, Craig, and Dwight J. Zscheile. The Missional Church in Perspective: Mapping Trends and Shaping the Conversation The Missional Network. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011. The Authors Craig Van Gelder “At age 15, Craig Van Gelder made a personal profession of faith. Three years later as a freshman in college, he answered a call to Christian ...
  • Book | Christopraxis by Edmund Arens
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  • Book | Constants in Context by Bevans and Schroeder
    Bevans, Stephen B., and Roger Schroeder. Constants in Context: A Theology of Mission for Today American Society of Missiology Series ; No. 30. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2004.   Authors Stephen Bevans is Louis J. Luzbetak, S.V.D., Professor of Mission and Culture. He is a Roman Catholic priest in the Society of the Divine Word, an international missionary congregation, and ...
  • Book | The Church between Gospel and Culture edited by George R. Hunsberger and Craig Van Gelder
    Hunsberger, George R., and Craig Van Gelder, eds. The Church between Gospel and Culture: The Emerging Mission in North America. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1996. This book is a collection of essays written in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Many of them are in response to the work of Lesslie Newbigin as ...
  • Book | The Ministry of the Missional Church by Craig Van Gelder
    Van Gelder, Craig. The Ministry of the Missional Church: A Community Led by the Spirit. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2007. Author read about Craig Van Gelder in this post. My Thoughts This book covers the bulk of the material we discussed in the class that Van Gelder taught called The Hermeneutics of Leading in Mission. Our conversations centered ...
  • Book | The Essence of the Church by Craig Van Gelder
    Van Gelder, Craig. The Essence of the Church: A Community Created by the Spirit. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2000. The Author “At age 15, Craig Van Gelder made a personal profession of faith. Three years later as a freshman in college, he answered a call to Christian ministry. Since then he has focused on helping the ...
  • Book | Transforming Mission by David Bosch
    Bosch, David Jacobus. Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission American Society of Missiology Series. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1991. The Author Early life Bosch was born in Kuruman, Cape Province, South Africa, and died in a motor accident in 1992, aged 62. He was raised in a nationalist Afrikaner home with little regard for his nation’s black citizens and in 1948 ...
  • A Thketch of Missional Church
    A Thketch of Missional Church
  • History of the Missional Church
    Good overview of recent history. Must reference.
  • Paper | A Missiology for the ELCA Suburban Congregation by Steve Thomason
    This is the paper I wrote for CL8965 Missiology and the Missional Church with Craig Van Gelder in the Spring of 2012. ELCA Suburban Church_Thomason A Missiology for the ELCA Congregation in the United States Suburban Context by Steve Thomason  A Term Paper presented to Professor Craig Van Gelder Luther Seminary As a Requirement in Course CL8965 Missiology and ...
  • The Gospel and the God-Forsaken: The Challenge of the Missional Church in Suburbia by Todd Hiestand
    Todd’s paper was presented to the Evangelical Theological Society in March of 2007. Todd blogs about being a pastor and trying to be missional in suburbia. He has a personal blog and a collaborative blog.
  • A Missional Theory of Strategic Action
  • The Church…
    An important quote from The Missional Church in Perspective… The church is. The church does what it is. The church organizes what it does.

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