by Steve Thomason | Feb 17, 2017 | Devos
The text for this week’s sermon is Luke 7:36-50 from the Narrative Lectionary. Here is my visual commentary of the passage. Enjoy. (download the PowerPoint HERE) This is an awkward situation. A man who considers himself righteous because he obeys the Law of...
by Steve Thomason | Dec 6, 2016 | Art
This is a sketch meditation on Standing Rock.
by Steve Thomason | Sep 23, 2016 | Bible Doodle, Sketches, Visual Preaching
Preview PowerPoint A Cartoonists Guide to Genesis 37-50 | Joseph from Steve Thomason Download PowerPoint and Image Pack The Narrative Lectionary poses us a formidable task this week. It essentially sets us up to tell the entire story of Joseph from Genesis 37-50. Even...
by Steve Thomason | Sep 16, 2016 | Bible Doodle, Visual Preaching
Download PowerPoint The following images walk through the story of Abram (before he was called Abraham) in Genesis 12-15. I made them for the sermon I will preach this weekend as a way to quickly set the context for Genesis 15:6. Enjoy the...