A Visual and Missional Commentary on Luke 18:31-19:10
The Narrative Lectionary this week calls for a reading of Luke 18:31-19:10. This is the final stop on Jesus’ journey toward Jerusalem. Below is my visual commentary. Feel free to copy and use any of these images. My Commentary The reading has three sections....
What is God Doing? | The Daily Prayer of a Missional Disciple
What is God doing? That is the most important question that a disciple of Jesus can ask. How do we know what God is doing in a world that seems out of control?

How Do You Handle Rejection? | A Sermon from Mark 6:1-29
Rejection is painful. Much of our energy is spent avoiding it. Jesus encounters rejection in the text this week, Mark 6:1-29. This sermon explores how we can prepare ourselves for the inevitable rejection that will come when we proclaim the Good News that Jesus brought to the world.