Preaching and Teaching
I am available to preach in worship, teach an adult forum or Sunday School Class, speak at a conference or lead a workshop for adults or youth.
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Sermon Archives
Click the year to expand a catalog of every sermon I have uploaded since 2009. Enjoy!
2021 Sermons
- Why We Read Scripture in Worship | A Sermon June 28, 2021Why do we read scripture during a worship service? This sermon offers four things about the Bible that make it essential to our identity as disciples of jesus and a centering point in worship.
- Lost and Found | A Sermon on the Prodigal Son from Luke 15 March 26, 2021A lost sheep, a lost coin, a lost son. These are three parables that Jesus tells in Luke 15. He told them in response to the criticism he received from the religious leaders. They scorned him for hanging around with tax collectors and sinners. This sermon looks at these stories from the perspective of the older brother. He resented the “lost son” and didn’t thing he deserved to be found. How often do we feel ...
- Where Do We Meet Jesus? | A Sermon on Luke 5:1-11 February 10, 2021Where do we meet Jesus? What happens when we meet Jesus? This sermon uses the story of Jesus calling Simon and the fishermen in Luke 5:1-11 as a way to explore these questions. Jesus often meets us in our ordinary places, and wants to turn them into something extraordinary.
2020 Sermons
- Things are Bad, God is Good | A Sermon from Joel 2:12-13, 28-29 December 12, 2020Things are Bad, God is Good | A Sermon from Joel 2:12-13, 28-29
- One Perspective, Three Positions | A Sermon on Isaiah 6:1-8 November 17, 2020This sermon explores the vision Isaiah had in Isaiah 6:1-8 and the three responses it evoked in him. It also connects Isaiah’s context to our own context in 2020. Isaiah’s vision came in “the year King Uzziah died.” It was one of “those years.” That was the year the Assyrian Empire began its invasion, and things went from bad to worse. We’re not having a great year in 2020 either. See how the new perspective ...
- How Quickly They Forget | A Sermon on the Golden Calf from Exodus 32 November 5, 2020How quickly they forget. The children of Israel had just be miraculously rescued from slavery in Egypt. God spoke directly to them from the mountain and entered into a blood covenant. They were to be God’s treasured possession among all nations, God’s holy priesthood. They simply had to keep their end of the covenant. They didn’t last 40 days before they turned to the status quo and crafted a Golden Calf. This sermon explores how we, too, ...
- How Tired is Your Amen? A Sermon from Genesis 15:1-6 September 22, 2020Abram began to doubt God’s promise. God took Abram under the night sky and said “count the stars” that’s how many children you will have. Abram’s “Amen” needed reassurance. He said Amen and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.
- Good News in Tough Times | A Sermon from Acts 16:11-40 August 31, 2020This sermon steps through the story of Paul in Philippi in Acts 16:11-40 and demonstrates how the Kingdom of God intersects with the Kingdom of Human Power Structures. What is the Good News in these difficult times?
- How to Deal with Disrupted Plans | A Sermon from Acts 25:1-12 August 28, 2020The Apostle Paul wanted to visit Rome. He probably never imagined that he would have to first sit in jail for two years and then be carried there as a prisoner in order to fulfill this plan. Have you ever had plans disrupted? How do we deal with it when our life gets thrown upside down? Where is God in all of the chaos? This sermon explores those things as we look at Paul’s story ...
- Blinded by the Light | A Sermon from Acts 9:1-20 August 10, 2020Saul encounters the Risen Christ on the road to Damascus and is blinded. Ananias encounters the risen Christ and is told to help Saul. Both men learn a new way to see in Acts 9:1-20.
- Mars Hill, Oheyawahi, and Social Justice | A Sermon on Acts 17:22-31 June 17, 2020This sermon was filmed on location at Oheyawahi/Pilot Knob in Mendota Heights, MN. It brings three things into conversation: Paul’s speech on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-31 The current #georgefloyd outburst of protests around racial injustice. The Oheyawahi sacred grounds and how the indigenous people fit into the conversation in the midst of black/white racial tension.
- What Does Love Look Like in a Pandemic? | A Sermon from 1 Corinthians 13 May 25, 2020How do you navigate conflict in the church, or in the world? What does love look like in a pandemic? The church in Corinth was riddled with conflict and arrogance, even around the topic of spiritual gifts. The Apostle reminds the church that each of us is one part a larger whole. He shows them the most excellent way….love. This sermon walks through 1 Corinthians 13 and explores what love looks like when the world ...
- New Perspectives | A Sermon from Acts 3:1-10 May 20, 2020Peter and John gain a new perspective as they encounter the man begging by the Temple gate in acts 3:1-10.
- What Do You See? | A Sermon from Mark 10:32-52 March 10, 2020This sermon explores Mark 10:32-52 and asks “What do you see when you look at Jesus?” So much of what we see, in anything, is the result of what we have been culturally conditioned to see. James and John saw Jesus as a tool to get them to fame, power, and glory. Bartimaues saw Jesus as a merciful healer. What do you see?
- How a Cow Tale Saved My Life | A Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday February 26, 2020This sermon explores how the Transfiguration of Jesus provided a glimpse of hope for his disciples as they were about to face a most difficult journey.
- How Do You Handle Rejection? | A Sermon from Mark 6:1-29 February 13, 2020Rejection is painful. Much of our energy is spent avoiding it. Jesus encounters rejection in the text this week, Mark 6:1-29. This sermon explores how we can prepare ourselves for the inevitable rejection that will come when we proclaim the Good News that Jesus brought to the world.
- A Lost Cause? | A Sermon from Mark 5:1-20 February 4, 2020Have you ever felt like a lost cause, or know someone or something that seems like a lost cause? This sermon explores Mark 4:35-5:20 and how Jesus rescues a man who was the lost cause of his town. The curious part of the story is to see how the townspeople react to it. Are we willing to do whatever it takes, and no matter what it costs, to include everyone in the Good News?
- Repent and Believe | A Sermon on Mark 1:1-20 January 29, 2020A sermon on Mark 1:1-20. What did Jesus mean when he said, “Repent and believe the Good News?”
- Who Moved My Cheese? | A Sermon on Dealing with Change and Mark 2:1-22 January 20, 2020Change is hard. Even when we know it is coming, change is a disruptive force that brings stress and anxiety. This sermon uses Mark 2:1-22 and Jesus’ comments about New Wine and Fresh Wineskins to explore how to deal with change in life.
2019 Sermons
- The Heart of God | A Sermon from Hosea 11:1-11 November 13, 2019This sermon explores, both visually and dramatically, the metaphor of God as a parent to a wayward child. The disobedience of God’s child, Israel, breaks God’s heart. Yet, in the end, God’s compassion for Israel wins out over any feelings of retribution. Love wins. That is the heart of God. View this post to see the visual meditation used to illustrate this sermon.
- How Do You Define Success? | A Sermon on 1 Samuel 16:1-13 October 21, 2019How do you define success? The gods of our age lure us to wealth, achievement, and power. Are these the rhythms of the Kingdom of God to which Jesus invites us to walk? This sermon looks at the calling of David and reminds us the the Lord does not look on the outward appearance, like mortals do. The Lord looks on the heart.
- Why I Don’t Want to Be The Lead Pastor | A Sermon on Calling from Exodus 3:1-15 September 30, 2019This sermon explores four attitudes that are necessary for hearing God’s call. They are found in the story of God’s Calling of Moses in Exodus 3:1-15
- Laughter is Born | A Sermon from Genesis 18:1-15 September 17, 2019Laughter is Born | A Sermon from Genesis 18:1-15
- The Narrow Door | A Sermon from Luke 13:22-30 for our partners in Guatemala August 25, 2019I drew this on the wall of the new church building in Maya Itza Guatemala during a sermon. This sermon was given to the Iglesia Luterana del San Marcos in Maya Itza and San Salvador del Mundo in Guatemala City during our trip in August 19-28, 2019. The readings come from the Revised Common Lectionary. The Gospel is Luke 13:22-30. I am very grateful to Pastora Karen Castillo for helping me to know the audience and ...
- The Parable of A Mustard Seed | A Sermon from Mark 4:30-32 July 31, 2019Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed in Mark 4:30-32. What does this mean? This sermon explores how the Kingdom of God is at work all around us, all the time, and its purpose is for the good of all creation. Do we have eyes to see it and ears to hear it?
- The “Good” Samaritan? | A Sermon from Luke 10:25-37 July 24, 2019The "Good" Samaritan? | A Sermon from Luke 10:25-37
- You Will Be Found | A Sermon from Luke 15 and Dear Evan Hansen July 16, 2019Do you ever feel lost? Do you ever feel like you are on the outside looking in to a world in which you don’t fit? The Good News that Jesus brought to the world is the same message that the Broadway Musical Dear Evan Hansen brings: No One Deserves to Disappear and You Will Be Found.
- Broken Fence, Open Door | A Sermon for Trinity Sunday 2019 June 18, 2019Broken Fence, Open Door | A Sermon for Trinity Sunday 2019
- Dying to Live | A Sermon on Romans 6:1-14 June 3, 2019The apostle Paul quotes his would be accusers, “What should we say then, should we continue in sin so that grace may increase?” Paul emphatically responds, “May it NEVER be! How can we who have DIED to sin continue to live in it?” What does this mean? How have we died to sin? I certainly don’t feel like sin is completely dead in me? This sermon explores Romans 6:1-14 and connects Paul’s metaphor of baptism as ...
- Peace with God | A Sermon on Romans 5:1-11 May 28, 2019Peace with God | A Sermon on Romans 5:1-11
- Our Messy Life Together | A Sermon on the Great Commission May 5, 2019
- Jesus Speaks Truth to Power | A Sermon on Matthew 22:1-14 March 28, 2019The parable of the King’s Wedding Banquet in Matthew 22:1-14 offers a troubling picture for us. Why would a king destroy the people who reject his invitation? Why would he throw out a person who is not properly dressed? What message is Jesus trying to communicate? Listen to this sermon and remember that Jesus is speaking to the Chief Priests and Pharisees in Jerusalem. He responds to their question, “By what authority do you do these ...
- Finding Our Way to Forgiveness | A Sermon on Matthew 18:21-35 March 13, 2019This sermon explores the meaning of the word forgiveness. Peter asks Jesus, “How many times should I forgive?” Jesus responds with a parable of a radically generous landowner and terribly selfish slave. How can we be so unforgiving when God is so radically generous with us? Get the updated version of these images at A Cartoonist’s Guide to Matthew HERE.
- Post Mountain Top Syndrome | A Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday from Matthew 17:1-8 March 8, 2019This sermon follows the Narrative Lectionary and explores Jesus’ Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-8. How do we overcome the Post Mountain Top Experience? Perhaps it has to do with our expectations about Jesus. I did not write a manuscript for this sermon. Please enjoy the slides as you listen to the sermon.
- Finding Our Way Through Compassion | A Sermon on Matthew 7:1-12 February 11, 2019Finding Our Way Through Compassion | A Sermon on Matthew 7:1-12
- Finding Our Way in the Wilderness | A Sermon from Matthew 4:1-17 January 24, 2019Jesus begins his ministry in the wilderness. It is a space where everything is stripped away and we find our true identity, and our true belonging. This sermon explores how we must experience the wilderness in order to love our neighbor as ourself. See Page 3 of A Cartoonist’s Guide to Matthew. Read Manuscript We are Finding Our Way through this period of transition as a church. Pastor Lamont is helping us sort out who we are ...
- Finding Our Way through Fire and Water | A Sermon from Matthew 3:1-17 January 15, 2019Every Journey has a beginning. Jesus’ public ministry began with the fiery message of John the Baptist and the sky-splitting moment of his own baptism. This sermon explores what it means to repent and see the Kingdom of Heaven that is at hand. Download PowerPoint I did not write out this sermon. Please visit A Cartoonist’s Guide to Matthew to see the commentary on this section.
- Finding Our Way | A Sermon from Matthew 1 January 2, 2019This is the first sermon in our series “Finding Our Way.” We will explore the life that Jesus’ invites us to live in, what he called, The Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 1 establishes that Jesus is the rightful heir to the throne of David and the long-awaited Messiah. View Page 1 of The Cartoonist’s Guide to Matthew. I did not write a manuscript for this sermon. See Matthew, Genealogies and Star Wars for the preliminary work ...
2018 Sermons
- A Deeper Love | A Sermon for Advent 4 from Luke 1:46-55 December 26, 2018A Deeper Love | A Sermon for Advent 4 from Luke 1:46-55
- A Deeper Hope | Sermon for Advent 1 from Psalm 25 and Luke 21:25-36 December 5, 2018A Deeper Hope | Sermon for Advent 1 from Psalm 25 and Luke 21:25-36
- Grateful | A Sermon on Generosity and Thanksgiving from Luke 17:11-19 and Deuteronomy 26:1-11 December 1, 2018This sermon is our last stop on the twelve-week series A Deep Life. The key texts are Luke 17:11-19 and Deuteronomy 26:1-11. It was presented on the Sunday after Thanksgiving and explores both generosity and thanksgiving. When we take the time to reflect on God’s activity in our lives and the world, it bubbles up in an attitude of gratitude. Scroll down to experience the visual sermon, or scroll while you are listening to the audio. ...
- In _________ We Trust | A Sermon from a Deep Life of Generosity November 13, 2018This sermon begins a three week series on Generosity. In ______ We Trust? What would you fill in that gap? Americans have been trained to say, “God” because it is printed on all our money. I wonder how true it is. Genesis 3:1-13 sets the stage for the human condition and reminds us why it is so difficult to be generous. Read the Manuscript We have been in A Deep Life for Nine weeks now. We spend the ...
- Worship Beyond Time, Space, and Religious Boundaries | A Sermon from A Deep Life November 7, 2018This sermon happened both on All Saints Day and one week after the Synagogue Shooting in Pittsburgh. Worship is the communal practice that shapes us into particular communities, AND ALSO unites us across religious boundaries to the infinite, eternal flame of God’s Shalom. I did not write a manuscript for this sermon. It is the combination of two blog posts: All Hallow’s Eve | A Meditation on All Saints Day Worship Shabbat Shalom | Standing in Solidarity ...
- Why Worship? | A Sermon from A Deep Life Series October 24, 2018What is worship, and how is it relevant in a secular age? That is the big question for this sermon as we continue our Deep Life Series. The key texts are 1 Chronicles 16:23-31, Acts 2:43-47, and Matthew 4:8-11. Read the manuscript Talking about worship to a group of people gathered in a traditional Lutheran worship service on MEA weekend is a bit like preaching to the choir. You’re here. You obviously find some value in ...
- How to Listen to God | A Sermon on Prayer from A Deep Life Series October 17, 2018This sermon is part two of a three-week mini series on prayer from A Deep Life series. We live is a noisy world filled with hundreds of voices screaming at us every second of our mediated lives. How can we discern which voice is God’s voice? This sermon explores three practical steps to do just that. Read Manuscript What would you do if you received a Facebook friend request from God? Would you automatically think it ...
- Why Pray? | A Sermon from 1 Thessalonians 5:17 in A Deep Life October 17, 2018This sermon continues A Deep Life series and launches a three-week mini series on prayer. What is prayer and why is it important. The main text is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Read the Manuscript Prayer is weird. Think about it. You talk to someone, or something, that you can’t see and that never seems to talk back. You ask for things, but don’t always get them. Then, to make things even weirder, when we gather together we spontaneously regurgitate ...
- Growing and Going in A Deep Life | A Sermon from Colossians 2:6-7 September 20, 2018What are the three questions we must ask when we take a trip? Where Am I? Where Am I Going? How Will I Get there? This sermon explores A Deep Life with the metaphor of a journey, and applies these questions to the process of growing in faith. How can we continue growing and going in A Deep Life? The main text is Colossians 2:6-7. We started A Deep Life Series with this image. A Deep ...
- What is A Deep Life? | A Sermon from Psalm 1:1-3 and John 15:1-5 September 12, 2018This is the introductory sermon to the series A Deep Life and looks at Psalm 1:1-3 and John 15:1-5. We live in a busy world that pulls us in many directions. A Deep Life is one that takes a breath and sinks roots deeply into the Love of God, through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, for the sake of the world. I invite you to take out a writing utensil. You ...
- Spirit of Hope | A Sermon on the Revelation September 10, 2018Why is there so much violence done in Jesus’ name? Much of it comes from a misunderstanding of the metaphors found in the biblical book called the Revelation. This sermon revisits Revelation and demonstrates how the first and second coming of Jesus don’t contradict each other. Jesus’ victory is through truth and love, not violence. Images from the sermon ,
- Spirit of Loving Neighbor | A Sermon from the Alive Series July 24, 2018
- Walking in the Spirit | A Sermon from the Alive Series June 19, 2018This is the second sermon from the Summer Worship Series: Alive! The question today is “How do we walk in the Spirit?” Colossians 2:6-7 gives us three keys to understanding what it means to walk in the Spirit and keep in step with how God is moving in the world. Follow the PowerPoint Read this post to get more background in the text. Here is a visual exegesis of the text.
- How to Process Grief | A Sermon from the Overcome Series May 31, 2018This sermon explores the topic of Grief. What is it? What does the Bible say about it? How can we deal with it? The story of Job gives us some clues about how to sit with someone in grief and how not to sit with someone in grief. Sermon Manuscript Lona’s scream pierced my soul. We knew all day that something was not right. No one had heard from her Dad that day. He was on location ...
- Overcome (by) Anger | A Sermon from the Overcome Series May 7, 2018This is the next sermon in the Overcome Series. It deals with Anger. Jesus was angry. Paul said, “Be angry, but don’t sin.” Anger is a gift from God that alerts us to a threat or a violation. The real challenge is how to channel that anger into something constructive, not destructive. Read this post for notes.
- A Sermon on Anxiety from the Overcome Series April 24, 2018This sermon is the first in a series on mental health issues called Overcome. This week we look at anxiety. What is anxiety? What does the Bible say about anxiety? What are we called to do with anxiety in the church today? Read this post and listen to this podcast to get the study behind this sermon. Follow the Slides as you listen to the sermon. This is the RSA Video on Brene Brown’s presentation on Empathy that ...
- Snowpocalypse, You Can’t Stop Church! April 16, 2018This was a very eventful weekend for churches in Minnesota. We had an historic blizzard spiral over the state for three days with a bullseye on the Twin Cities. I think the official snowfall was 15+ inches…in mid April! All the church buildings that I know shut down and church leaders told everyone to stay home and be safe on Saturday night and Sunday morning. The text messages flew across my phone on Saturday evening as ...
- Where Does New Life Dwell? | A Sermon for Easter from John 20:1-18 April 3, 2018He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia! This is my first Easter sermon at Easter Lutheran Church. We have been following the Narrative Lectionary since Christmas as it tracks through the Gospel of John. The series is called Come and See. View all the sermons from both campuses here. There is no manuscript or PowerPoint for this sermon. I simply used the images from the Visual Meditation found below. Enjoy.
- What Were You Expecting? | A Sermon on the Triumphal Entry in John 12:12-27 March 26, 2018What were the people of Jerusalem expecting the day Jesus rode into town? Did they want a King who would lead them into battle to finally defeat the Romans? Probably. That’s not what they got. Instead, they got a man riding on the back of a young donkey who was prepared to give up his life for the sake of the world. This sermon examines John 12:12-27 and shows three ways that Jesus may surprise us ...
- Here, Your King | A Sermon on John 19:1-16a March 21, 2018This sermon concludes the two-part exploration of Jesus’ trial before Pilate. Here we see scenes 4-7 of this story found in John 19:1-16a. Pilate ultimately condemns Jesus to death at the prompting of the religious leaders in Jerusalem. We encounter three truths about Jesus and one choice we all have to make. The presenting question of this sermon is: How far will fear drive us away from our core convictions? View the visual meditation that ...
- What is Truth? | A Sermon on John 18:28-40 March 14, 2018The trial of Jesus before Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, takes place in seven scenes. This sermon walks through the first three scenes in John 18:28-40. We explore that age old question, “What is Truth?” The answer might surprise you. View this post to see the images from the PowerPoint.
- Peter’s Denial | A Sermon on John 18:1-27 March 9, 2018Do you ever feel like you have to pretend to be someone else in order to survive? This sermon explores the story of Peter’s Denial of Jesus and what leads us to do the things we don’t want to do. The good news is that Jesus waits for us on the other side of our fear and doubt. This sermon comes from John 18:1-27. Read Manuscript slide 01 Do you ever feel like you have to pretend ...
- The Woman at the Well | A Sermon on John 4:1-42 February 7, 2018This sermon is from the Come and See series through the Gospel of John at Easter Lutheran Church in 2018. The text is John 4:1-42. Jesus had to go through Samaria because he had to show us where he abides. He sits in the light of day with a Samaritan Woman who has suffered the oppression of her male-dominated society and the schism between Jews and Samaritans. This woman shows us what true evangelism looks ...
- What Does it Mean to Be Born Again? | A Sermon on John 3:1-21 February 1, 2018This sermon continues the Come and See Series through the Gospel of John. Nicodemus visits Jesus at night in John 3:1-21. Jesus tells him that unless you are born again/from above you cannot see or enter the Kingdom of God. What does this mean? What does it mean to step out of the darkness and into the light? Read more in this post. Follow the PowerPoint
- What Makes God Angry? | A Sermon on John 2:13-22 January 27, 2018This sermon continues the Come and See series through the Narrative Lectionary selections of the Gospel of John. Jesus’ angry cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem stands in stark contrast to his sign of abundance and grace at the wedding party in Cana of Galilee. Both stories illustrate where God abides; not in temples of stone, but in the hearts and lives of all kinds of people. There is no manuscript, but you can read the ...
- Come and See | A Sermon from John 1:35-51 from the Narrative Lectionary January 9, 2018Four people encounter Jesus for the first time in John 1:35-51. Each of them have a different experience. Jesus invites each of them, not to memorize a creed or join an institution, but to follow him and to come and see where he abides. That is the invitation of the Gospel of John. Come and See who Jesus is and how we can abide with God each day. Follow the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript I hope you ...
2017 Sermons
- Love All | The Final Sermon in Advent Conspiracy December 21, 2017This is the fourth and final sermon in the Advent Conspiracy Series. The last way that we can push back against consumerism this season is to Love All. The main text is 1 John 3:16-18
- Sermon from Advent Conspiracy | Spend Less December 4, 2017The Second step to conspire against consumerism this Advent season is to simply spend less. This sermon explores why we have associated gift giving with Christmas in our society and how we might bring it into balance.
- Worship Fully | Part One in the Advent Conspiracy Series November 28, 2017This is the first sermon in a four-part series called Advent Conspiracy. The texts are Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Philippians 2:9-11, Luke 1:39-55. The first step in overcoming the consumerism of this season is to focus our hearts on the presence of God. This is the video I showed during the first part of the sermon.
- How You Live Matters | A Sermon on Law and Gospel from the CORE Series October 25, 2017This sermon continues the CORE Worship Series. It looks at Law and Gospel. This is a core teaching of Lutheran theology. Follow the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript I’m curious. How many of you have ever had a traffic ticket, speeding or parking? Wow! Easter Lutheran Church, runnin’ with the rebels. I’m right there with you. In fact I even had a warrant out for my arrest once. I discovered that’s what happens when you don’t pay your ticket. Yep, ...
- The Bible is Our Guide, Not Our God | A Sermon from the CORE Series September 20, 2017This is the second sermon in the CORE Series. This sermon explores what role the Bible plays in our faith. What is the Bible and why does it matter? The key passages are Psalm 1:1-3 and John 1:1-5, 10-14.
- Jesus is God’s Best Idea Ever | A Sermon from the CORE Series September 14, 2017This sermon launches the Worship Series called CORE. We spend eight weeks looking at the core elements of our faith as followers of Jesus, specifically within a Lutheran framework. This sermon asks, “Why Jesus?” We need Jesus to both see God, and to know God. The texts are Galatians 2:16-21 and Luke 24:44-48. I did a lot of blogging in preparation for this sermon. Read posts Growing Out of Hell, Unpacking Galatians 2:16, A Visual ...
- A Sermon on Rest to Conclude the Good Life Series September 9, 2017This sermon looks at the Sabbath Rest and how it is a gift from God for health, equality and Freedom. We explore Exodus 20 and Mark 2. This is the final sermon in the Good Life worship series.
- Love in the Face of Racism | A Sermon from the Good Life Series August 23, 2017This sermon continues The Good Life series and focuses in on love. Little did we know, when we planned the series, that this topic would fall in the same week that white supremacist groups rallied in Charlottesville. These events prompted an official statement from the pastors at Easter and led me to frame the topic in the face of racism. The audio includes the reading of the statement, the congregational reading of the text, and then ...
- A Sermon on Handling Conflict from the Good Life Series July 25, 2017This sermon comes from the summer worship series: The Good Life. It uses Gary Smalley’s LUV Talk as a practical tool for carrying out the ministry of reconciliation to which the church is called. I did not write a manuscript, so please follow along in the PowerPoint. You can see the illustrations for Smalley’s LUV talk in this post.
- A Sermon on Emotions from the Good Life Series July 21, 2017This sermon is part of our summer worship series: The Good Life. We explore how to process emotions in the church. All of our emotions are a good gift from God. We need to have a safe space to process them as we carry each other’s burdens and do life together. Key texts: Psalm 142:1-3, 1 John 4:18-19, Matthew 11:28-30 View the PowerPoint I did not write a manuscript for this sermon. I simply drew this mindmap ...
- A Sermon on the Good Life in Community July 6, 2017This sermon continues our summer series on The Good Life. It also happened to fall on the Weekend of Independence Day in the USA. So, we explore the difference between the American Dream of the Good Life and the God Dream of the Good Life that Jesus promised to bring. The texts are Psalm 84:1-7, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13, Matthew 18:18-20. View the PowerPoint There is no official manuscript for this sermon. View this post and this ...
- Do Something to Bless Others | A Sermon on Galatians 3:1-9, 23-29 May 28, 2017This is the second sermon in a three-week mini series from the Narrative Lectionary on Galatians 3:1-9, 23-29. Paul supports his argument that we are justified by faith and not by the works of the Law by looking at God’s Promise to Abraham in Genesis 12. Through faith we are one in Christ. We are blessed to be a blessing. View the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript Have you walked into a room and knew you didn’t belong? ...
- Do Something to Embrace Life | A Sermon on Galatians 1:13-14, 2:11-21 May 21, 2017This is part one in a three-week mini series on Galatians from the Narrative Lectionary. The text is Galatians 1:13-17, 2:11-21 where Paul establishes that salvation is not dependent upon the Works of the Law, but on the faith of Jesus Christ. View the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript A couple weeks ago I had the privilege to meet the Confirmation students for the first time. It was their last night of confirmation for the year and my first ...
- My Last Sermon at Grace | Easter Vigil 2017 April 16, 2017This is more than a single sermon. It was a retelling of God’s story of Promise and Redemption throughout scripture. It was also the last time I spoke at Grace Lutheran Church. Thank you, Grace, for a fruitful season of ministry, 2010-2017. Follow along with the PowerPoint… view the images in this post.
- Salvation Has Come | A Sermon on Luke 18:31-19:10 April 2, 2017Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today, Salvation has come this house.” What does that mean? How can there be salvation before Jesus died on the cross? This sermon reframes the Zacchaeus story in a missional imagination. View the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript Salvation. That’s a really churchy word that we use a lot. To be saved. It begs a question. Saved from what? When I was growing up there was only one answer to that question. You were saved from Hell. ...
- …a great chasm… | A Sermon on Lazarus and the Rich Man from Luke 16:19-31 March 26, 2017View the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript Marley was dead, to begin with. Old Marley was as dead as a doornail. These are the opening lines to what classic story? A Christmas Carol. My favorite version of this story is the audio book, read by Patrick Stewart. It’s fabulous. We all know the story. Jacob Marley was business partners to Ebeneezer Scrooge; a miserly man who loved money for than life itself. He believed that the poor were the surplus ...
- Are You Listening? | A Sermon on Luke 10:25-42 from the Narrative Lectionary March 5, 2017This sermon looks at Luke 10:25-42 from the Narrative Lectionary. It brings the story of the Good Samaritan and the story of Mary and Martha together to explore a key theme in the Gospel of Luke. There are two kinds of people: those who listen to Jesus and those who are distracted. What are the things that distract us in life? View the PowerPoint Read the Sermon Do you remember Doug, the talking dog from the movie ...
- Where Glory Dwells | A Sermon on the Transfiguration from Luke 9:28-45 February 26, 2017Where Glory Dwells | A Sermon on the Transfiguration from Luke 9:28-45
- Who is at the Table? | A Sermon from Luke 7:36-50 February 19, 2017This sermon explores the story of Simon’s dinner party in Luke 7:36-50. Why was the woman considered a sinner? How should we deal with labels in our society, and who is welcome at the table? Watch the Video View the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript Imagine that you have the opportunity to throw a dinner party at your house for a well-known person that you really respect. You want to make a good impression. You want that person to ...
- Faith and Compassion | A Sermon on Luke 7:1-17 from the Narrative Lectionary February 6, 2017This sermon looks at two contrasting stories. The first is the powerful centurion who humbled himself and demonstrated unusual faith. The second is the widow who lost her only son and the compassion that Jesus has on her. These two stories demonstrate how the kingdom of God is the great equalizer where everyone is welcome. Follow the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript Have you seen the movie Hidden Figures? It is amazing. It is a true story that takes ...
- Good News, Bad News | A Sermon on Luke 4:16-30 January 15, 2017This sermon looks at the story of Jesus when he preached in his hometown synagogue. It started out as good news. He is the Messiah. Then things went bad and the people tried to kill him. What changed their minds? Follow the PowerPoint Read the Sermon I invite you to take out the White Insert from your bulletin called What’s the Big Idea. It has some discussion questions to take home, a daily reading schedule, and a ...
- Igniting the Kingdom Life | A Sermon from Luke 3:1-22 in the Narrative Lectionary January 8, 2017This sermon examines three things we need to rethink if we want to live deeper into the Kingdom Life. These things are taken from Luke 3:1-22, the story of John the Baptist. View the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript Last month I took a two-week vacation and didn’t go anywhere. It was one of the best vacations ever. I did something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but just never got around to doing it. I ...
2016 Sermons
- Open Hearts, Liberating Spirit | A Sermon from Joel 2 for Advent 2 December 4, 2016This sermon, from Joel 2:12-13, 28-29, looks at the two sides of love. On one side we must open our hearts. When our hearts are open, then, on the other side, the Spirit of love and peace can flow to and through all people. Watch the Video Follow the PowerPoint Read the Sermon When I was a boy, my grandpa had open heart surgery. I was very worried about him. One day my family went to the mall ...
- Hope in the Midst of Beasts | A Sermon from Daniel for Advent 1 November 27, 2016This sermon looks at the story of Daniel in the lions’ den in Daniel 6:6-27 and asks how we can find hope in our own lives when we feel like we are surrounded by beasts. Watch the Sermon Video Follow the PowerPoint Read the Sermon Do you ever feel trapped? Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a hopeless situation? It is like you are surrounded by forces that are beyond your control that threaten to harm you ...
- The Making of a Servant | A Narrative Lectionary Sermon from Isaiah 6:1-8 November 13, 2016This sermon looks at the story of Isaiah’s call to ministry found in Isaiah 6:1-8. Here we see a cycle of three qualities that are necessary to form us into servants of God. Follow the PowerPoint Read the Sermon I invite you to take out the insert labeled “What’s the Big Idea?” There is some background information on the text, some discussion questions for you to take home, and a place to take notes. What do you think ...
- How Much Should We Give? | A Sermon on Giving October 23, 2016This is the fourth sermon in our Take a Step to Give Series. This week we ask the practical question: How much should we give? The Bible does not give a clear answer, but this sermon explores how percentage is a way to think about equality in giving. This is our fourth week in the Take a Step to Give series. In case you weren’t here last week, let me reiterate something. I don’t like ...
- Gratitude, Giving, and the Essence of the Church October 16, 2016This sermon explores how we can take a step in gratitude by getting back to the basics. The church is a group of people gathered around the Good News that we have been set free through Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The reality of the Gospel sparks an attitude of gratitude that overflows in generosity. Follow the PowerPoint Read the Sermon This has been an interesting week in the life of Grace ...
- God’s Promise in Broken Families | A Sermon from Genesis 50:15-20 September 25, 2016Have you ever looked at your family system and felt shame and/or disappointment? “How is God at work in this mess,” you wonder. This sermon comes from the Narrative Lectionary text, Genesis 37:3-8, 26-34; 50:15-21, and reminds us that, even in a messed up family system like Joseph’s, God is faithful through it all. Follow the PowerPoint Read the Sermon I invite you once again, to take out the Big Idea insert in your bulletin. There’s a nice ...
- Count the Stars | A Sermon from Genesis 15:1-6 September 18, 2016God makes an impossible promise to Abram and Sarai. How could they possibly become a great nation when they can’t even have a child? This sermon, from the Narrative Lectionary, explores the nature of trust and how we can trust God when the promise seems impossible. Follow the Sermon Slides Watch the Video This sermon had lots of visuals in it which were made in the procreate app on my iPad. This app allows me to export ...
- Honest to God | A Sermon on Job 42:7 September 4, 2016This is the final sermon in a five part series on the story of Job from the Hebrew Scripture. There are two take-aways from this series. First, we can be honest with God, no matter how we feel. God invites us into authentic relationship. Second, God calls us into the space of paradox that brings warring dichotomies together. Watch the animation to see what I mean. PowerPoint Here’s the Animated short I played at the end of ...
- How Does Pain Help Spiritual Growth? | A Sermon from Job 19:25 August 21, 2016This is the third sermon in a five-part series on the book of Job. We look at Job 19:25 and see how Job was still in a dark place. The sermon demonstrates how there are different types of pain and how they each intersect the phases of the spiritual journey through Purgation, Illumination, and Union with God. Follow Along with the PowerPoint Read the Sermon Do any of you remember the 1985 Movie called Brazil, by Terry ...
- How to Speak in Times of Suffering | A Sermon from Job August 14, 2016This is the second sermon in a five-part series on the book of Job. Join the online discussion at the Grace Learning Center. This sermon looks at the big portion of Job (chapter 3-31) as his “friends” attack him and accuse him of being in sin. From this negative example we explore practical ways to bring comfort to those who are suffering. Follow Along with the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript What do you say when you encounter ...
- Why Do You Love God? | A Sermon to Introduce the Book of Job August 7, 2016Narrative Lectionary Text: Job 1:1-22 When I was in middle school my little group of buddies and I would love to get together and have sleep-overs at each other’s house. One night we were at my house. We lived in a first ring suburb of Detroit, and our house was one of those salt box houses built in 1908. It was small and old and had a really cool attic. The only way to get to ...
- Prayer and Independence | A Sermon for Independence Day from Luke 11:2-4 July 3, 2016Happy Independence Day. 240 years ago a group of British Colonists in the colonies of New England became frustrated by unfair taxes. They tried to reason with the Kingdom of England, but was shut down. Eventually, this led to a revolution. The Continental Congress declared its independence from England on July 4th, 1776. A war ensued, and between 1776 and 1783 France and Spain joined the war against Britain. It is estimated that nearly 70,000 Americans ...
- The Gospel in a Culture of Mass Shootings | A Sermon from 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 June 21, 2016How can we talk about reconciliation in a culture of mass shootings and hatred? This sermon tries to deal with this question as it brings 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 into conversation with the violence and divisions our country experiences every day. Read the Sermon It’s been a crazy week. We’ve all watched in horror as the news media has replayed the events of last Saturday night again and again. A man walks into a nightclub, starts shooting, and 50 ...
- Treasure in Jars of Clay | A Sermon from 2 Corinthians 4:1-15 June 5, 2016Can God actually use broken and imperfect people? This sermon explores Paul’s defense of his right to be a preacher of the Gospel. He is not like the flashy teachers. He is just an afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down clay jar. It is in the darkness of real life that the Gospel shines the brightest. Narrative Lectionary Text: 2 Corinthians 4:1-15 Sermon Slides Read the Sermon How would describe a successful person? We are very tuned into this ...
- Can You Be Spiritual Without Being Religious? | A Sermon for Pentecost from 1 Corinthians 12 May 19, 2016One of the fastest growing demographics in our society is the “None Zone.” These are people who respond to the question of Religious Affiliation on the Census by checking the “none” box. Many of these “nones” are very spiritual. They are spiritual, but not religious. This sermon explores the idea and makes a bold claim: You can’t be spiritual without being religious…at least according to the Apostle Paul. We celebrated Pentecost this weekend. The sermon drew from 1 ...
- What is Love? | A Sermon on 1 Corinthians 13 May 3, 2016There is no manuscript for this sermon on 1 Corinthians 13. I basically preached through this post. You can listen to it, though. The real sermon is the CBS video below. This is my simple translation of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love puts up with us even when we blow it, it is the most excellent way of goodness and kindness that gives us a chance, because it has a low boiling point. It doesn’t toot its own horn or ...
- You are a Missionary | A Sermon from Acts 18:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 April 26, 2016What comes to your mind when you hear the word missionary?
- The Healing Touch | An Illustrated Sermon from Acts 3:1-10 April 12, 2016A sermon from Acts 3:1-10 in the Narrative Lectionary. Peter heals the beggar. Explore the key words with cartoon illustrations.
- On the Night in Which He Was Betrayed | A Sermon for Maundy Thursday from Mark 14:22-42 March 25, 2016It’s Maundy Thursday. Thank you for taking the time to invest in this moment. This is one of those moments that defines us as Christians. This past Tuesday we had our regular staff meeting and prayer time. Carroll Potter told a really cool story. She said there was a group of children being interviewed. They were asked, “What is your favorite holiday.” Some of them said Easter, because you get candy. Most of them said Christmas, because you get ...
- Rejected Stone | A Sermon for Lent 3 from Mark 12:1-12 March 2, 2016Jesus uses a parable in Mark 12:1-12 (Narrative Lectionary) about a landowner and some wicked tenants to attack the religious leaders of his day. This story also provides two more answers to our question: Who is the Christ? Jesus is the Landowner’s Son and the rejected and true Cornerstone. View the PowerPoint Read the Sermon When I was a freshman in college I had a prized possession. It was a pearl white Fender Stratocaster electric guitar. Oh yeah. ...
- A Glimpse | A Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday from Mark 8:27-9:8 February 10, 2016 view the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript I wonder if you have seen this movie. It came out back in 2000. It is called the Family Man, starring Nicolas Cage and Tea Leoni. I love this movie. It tells the story of a man who had risen to the top of Wall Street. He lived in New York City, was wealthy and powerful, but he didn’t have love. One day he wakes up and he is in ...
- The Story of Two Touches | A Sermon on Mark 5:21-43 January 26, 2016The Story of Two Touches | A Sermon on Mark 5:21-43
- The Parable of the Four Soils | A Sermon from Mark 4:1-20 January 19, 2016Jesus describes the mystery of the Kingdom of God by telling the parable of the Sower and the Four Soils in Mark 4:1-20. This sermon asks: How can we cultivate the promise of God and be good soil? View the PowerPoint This is the Animated Text Read the Manuscript Today is the day we’ve all been waiting for. I know that you have had your countdown timers set since Rally Day, anxiously awaiting this moment. Today is the ...
- How to Follow God Well in the New Year | A Sermon from Matthew 2:1-12 January 5, 2016What does it take to follow God well? Dallas Willard tells us that it requires Vision, Intention, and Means. This sermon explores how we can cultivate a deeper relationship with God, ourselves, our neighbors, and the world in the New Year. View the PowerPoint Read the Manuscript Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Today is the 10th day of Christmas. Wednesday is Epiphany. This is the day when we traditionally remember the story of the magi from ...
2015 Sermons
- Managing Fear and Doubt | A Sermon for Advent 4 from Luke 1:5-25, 67-80 December 30, 2015Managing Fear and Doubt | A Sermon for Advent 4 from Luke 1:5-25, 67-80
- Waiting on God’s Word | A Sermon for Advent 1 from 2 Kings December 4, 2015This sermon is for the first week of Advent. It is the story of Josiah found in 2 Kings 22:1-10, 23:1-5 from the Narrative Lectionary. Josiah is confronted with the Word of God and it leads to a national reformation project. How, then, can we make scripture the center of our lives today? Listen to Sermon View PowerPoint Read Sermon We are not a culture that likes to wait… On Thanksgiving, my wife, my parents, and I watched the ...
- The King Who Serves Life | A Sermon on Isaiah 5:1-7; 11:1-5 November 23, 2015A sermon for Christ the King Sunday from the Narrative Lectionary text Isaiah 5:1-7; 11:1-5. What does God do when God’s children continually rebel and turn to self-destructive behavior? How do we balance Law and Grace in our lives and in our violent world? Listen to the Sermon Read the Sermon There are many ways to break a heart. I wonder if you have ever been broken-hearted? Your spouse cheated on you. Your spouse violated the vows you made and ...
- Service: The Antidote for Greed | A Sermon from the Narrative Lectionary on 1 Kings 12 November 4, 2015This sermon begins our focus on Service for this month. We continue in the Narrative Lectionary with the story of Rehoboam and how his pride and greed destroyed the nation. He denied the invitation to become a servant leader of the people. Sermon Slides Listen to the Sermon Sermon Manuscript I have to say, I don’t know about you, but I really enjoyed last month. The series on vocation was fun. I loved watching the video testimonies, browsing ...
- A Call to Friendship | A Sermon on Vocation from Ruth 1:1-17 October 23, 2015This sermon is the third in a series on vocation. We see, in the story of Ruth, how God calls us to befriend those who are in a hopeless situation. Narrative Lectionary Text: Ruth 1:1-17 Sermon Manuscript Fun fact. The name Ruth means friend. To be ruthless means to be…without a friend, or to be without friendliness or compassion. Sometimes I feel like the world is ruthless. What do you think? Another fun fact. I’m doing something very different for me. ...
- The Key of Our Calling | A Sermon on Vocation from Deuteronomy 5:1-21; 6:4-8 in the Narrative Lectionary October 12, 2015This is the second sermon in a series on Vocation. It is also the next installment of the Narrative Lectionary text that takes us to Deuteronomy 5 and 6. This sermon explores how the Law and Promise provide the Key in which to play out God’s vocation in our everyday lives. Narrative Lectionary Text: Deuteronomy 5:1-21; 6:4-8 and Mark 12:28-31 The Sermon PowerPoint Listen to the Sermon Read the Sermon This is the second sermon in our series on ...
- What’s Your Name? | A Sermon from the Narrative Lectionary on Genesis 32:22-30 September 28, 2015Jacob wrestles with a man in Genesis 32:22-30Open in Logos Bible Software (if available). The mysterious wrestler asks, “What is Your Name?” This question creates a defining moment for Jacob and for us. This sermon explores how spiritual formation must begin with a healthy identity as a child of God.
- What’s the Big Deal about Church? | A Sermon on #missional church September 7, 2015This is the fourth and final sermon in our series on Tough Questions. What is the Big Deal about Church? In an age when more and more people choose to disengage from organized religion and would rather be considered spiritual, but not religious, how should we think about the church? What is it, and why should we care? We were able to use this animation that I did last October as a way to engage with ...
- Does Prayer Make a Difference? | A Sermon August 29, 2015One of the tough questions that the congregation asked was: Does prayer really make a difference. This sermon will explore that important question. What is prayer, and why should we pray? Advance the PowerPoint as you listen Read the Sermon The next question that you asked back in September is: Does prayer really make a difference? Yes, it does. Let’s close in prayer. Just kidding. This is a great question. My guess is that the heart of this question comes from ...
- Why Does God Allow Suffering? | A Sermon August 19, 2015This sermon is the first in a series called “Tough Questions.” We polled the congregation back in June and asked for questions upon which we could build a sermon series. The first question is the biggest question humans tend to ask. How can a good God allow such evil, pain, and suffering to exist in the world. Texts: Habakkuk 1:1-3; Luke 13:1-9 Back in June we filled out cards, asking what questions you would like to ...
- I Believe in the Trinity | A Sermon on the Apostles’ Creed August 6, 2015This is the final sermon in a series on the Apostles’ Creed. It pulls it all together and asks if the Trinity really makes any difference in our everyday lives. Narrative Lectionary texts: Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Matthew 28:16-20 listen to the sermon audio CLICK HERE. Sermon Manuscript We’ve come to the end of our Catechism experience. For the past three weeks we’ve been looking at the Apostles’ Creed. Three weeks ago I kicked it off, and we learned that the word ...
- I Believe in God | A Sermon on the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed July 30, 2015Listen to sermon audio CLICK HERE. I didn’t write out a manuscript for this sermon, but put notes in the Powerpoint. Download I Believe in God sermon.
- Praise the Lord | A Sermon on Psalm 146 July 11, 2015listen to audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary text: Psalm 146 I didn’t write a manuscript for this sermon. Here are Powerpoint Notes. this is the image:
- Whom Shall I Fear? | A Sermon on Psalm 27 July 11, 2015Listen to the audio CLICK HERE Narrative Lectionary Text: Psalm 27:1-6 When my daughter Micki was 7 or 8 years old we were swimming at a friends house one Sunday afternoon. Lona and I were standing in the shallow end, watching as the kids were doing back flips off the edge of the pool into the deep end. Over and over they would flip themselves backwards, do a spin, and land in the water. Micki pushed off for another ...
- Praise the Lord! | A Sermon on Psalm 113 June 10, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Psalm 113 listen to sermon audio: CLICK HERE I want to begin with a little experiment. I’m not sure if you all know something. So, I’m going to sing a phrase, and if you know what to do and say next, then I want you to do it. OK? Here we go Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah… Let’s do this. This side will be the hallelujahs and this side will be the praise ye the Lords. Hallelu, ...
- Alive in Christ | A Sermon for Confirmation from Romans 6:1-14 May 24, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Romans 6:1-14 listen to the sermon audio CLICK HERE. What makes you come alive? What is it that, when you do it, you feel this rush that makes you feel amazing? I’m not talking about a quick buzz, like you feel when you ride a roller coaster or see an amazing movie. I’m not talking about the quick fix that comes from taking drugs, having sex, or eating that tenth piece of chocolate. Those things can make ...
- The Incredible Hope | A Sermon from Romans 5:1-11 for Easter 6 May 15, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Romans 5:1-11 listen to the sermon audio CLICK HERE. Are you discouraged today? I have to be honest, I often struggle with discouragement. So many people are suffering at different levels. On Wednesday, our bishop, Ann Svenegsun’s son died. He was Downs Syndrome and had leukemia. He died at age 30. I look around and I watch families struggle. Some break apart, some suffer in silence. I watch the elderly slowly fade into the margins. I watch ...
- The Power of the Gospel | A Sermon on Romans 1:1-17 for Easter 5 May 5, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Romans 1:1-17 We have a tall order today. I need to introduce us to the apostle Paul, the letter he wrote to the Romans, and discuss what he meant by the Gospel, all in under twenty minutes. We can do this! I’m going to do this by asking three basic questions: Who is Paul? Why did he write this letter? Who cares? Right? I mean, why should we care about a personal letter written by someone 2,000 years ...
- Messy Life Together | A Sermon on the Great Commission from Matthew 28:16-20 April 16, 2015listen to sermon audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary Text. Easter 2. Matthew 28:16-20. Here’s my big question for today. Are you a missionary? What do you think of when you hear the word “missionary?” When I was growing up, whenever I imagined a missionary in my mind, it always looked a lot like this. When I was growing up we had a huge map of the world on the wall of our worship center with the words “GO YE INTO ...
- The Sheep and the Goats | A Sermon for Lent from Matthew 25:31-46 March 27, 2015listen to sermon audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary text: Matthew 25:31-46. I’d like you to imagine something with me. Imagine that you work in customer service. You have the kind of job where your pay is reflected in the type of feedback you get from the people that you help. One day you are doing your job and you have been helping people all day long. It’s getting to the end of the shift and there are two ...
- You’re Invited | A Sermon for Lent from Matthew 22:1-14 March 12, 2015listen to the audio CLICK HERE. When my kids were little I worked at the hotel in Vegas and our shops were open from 8am to 1am every day of the year. I had to be disciplined and guard my time at home very carefully. One evening I was at home mowing my lawn. Lona comes out to get me and says, “David Copperfield is on the phone.” Do you remember David Copperfield; the world-famous illusionist? So, I take ...
- Is God Fair? | A Sermon for Lent from Matthew 20:1-16 March 4, 2015Listen to the sermon CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary Text: Matthew 20:1-16. I have to admit something. This parable has always bugged me. I don’t like this, because I have been working hard my whole life. I had my first job as a sophomore in high school and have been working ever since. I worked twelve hours a day, six days a week, every summer during college. Most of my adult life I have worked at lease two jobs. I ...
- Living Upside Down | A Sermon for Ash Wednesday from Matthew 18:1-9 February 22, 2015Living Upside Down | A Sermon for Ash Wednesday from Matthew 18:1-9 from Grace Lutheran – Andover, MN Listen to the audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary Text: Matthew 18:1-9. Do we have any pilots in the room? I want you to verify something for me. When a pilot is flying at night, the pilot has to rely completely on the instruments, right? I heard a story about a fighter pilot who was running a ...
- Living in Righteousness | A Sermon from Matthew 5:1-20 January 27, 2015Listen to the audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary Text: Matthew 5:1-20 Who do we look up to in our society? Next weekend there will be millions of people and billions of dollars spent on something. What is it called? Right. The Superbowl. What is the Superbowl again? Oh right, a game. There is a list of successful companies. What do we call that list? Right. The Fortune 500. What allows a company to make that list? Money. We love ...
- Living in Freedom | A Sermon for Baptism Renewal from Matthew 3:1-17 January 14, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Matthew 3:1-17 What do you want to burn today? I know I would like to burn about twenty pounds. Are you with me on that one? It is the New Year and many of us are asking this question. What would you like to burn off, or throw away, or drown? What is cluttering up your life? You know I’ve been working on my dissertation. By the way, that cold day on Wednesday was a gift ...
- Moving Forward in Uncertain Times | A Sermon from Matthew 2:13-23 January 6, 2015Moving Forward in Uncertain Times | A Sermon from Matthew 2:13-23
2014 Sermons
- Managing Fear and Doubt | A Sermon for Advent 4 from Luke 1:5-25, 67-80 December 30, 2015Managing Fear and Doubt | A Sermon for Advent 4 from Luke 1:5-25, 67-80
- Waiting on God’s Word | A Sermon for Advent 1 from 2 Kings December 4, 2015This sermon is for the first week of Advent. It is the story of Josiah found in 2 Kings 22:1-10, 23:1-5 from the Narrative Lectionary. Josiah is confronted with the Word of God and it leads to a national reformation project. How, then, can we make scripture the center of our lives today? Listen to Sermon View PowerPoint Read Sermon We are not a culture that likes to wait… On Thanksgiving, my wife, my parents, and I watched the ...
- The King Who Serves Life | A Sermon on Isaiah 5:1-7; 11:1-5 November 23, 2015A sermon for Christ the King Sunday from the Narrative Lectionary text Isaiah 5:1-7; 11:1-5. What does God do when God’s children continually rebel and turn to self-destructive behavior? How do we balance Law and Grace in our lives and in our violent world? Listen to the Sermon Read the Sermon There are many ways to break a heart. I wonder if you have ever been broken-hearted? Your spouse cheated on you. Your spouse violated the vows you made and ...
- Service: The Antidote for Greed | A Sermon from the Narrative Lectionary on 1 Kings 12 November 4, 2015This sermon begins our focus on Service for this month. We continue in the Narrative Lectionary with the story of Rehoboam and how his pride and greed destroyed the nation. He denied the invitation to become a servant leader of the people. Sermon Slides Listen to the Sermon Sermon Manuscript I have to say, I don’t know about you, but I really enjoyed last month. The series on vocation was fun. I loved watching the video testimonies, browsing ...
- A Call to Friendship | A Sermon on Vocation from Ruth 1:1-17 October 23, 2015This sermon is the third in a series on vocation. We see, in the story of Ruth, how God calls us to befriend those who are in a hopeless situation. Narrative Lectionary Text: Ruth 1:1-17 Sermon Manuscript Fun fact. The name Ruth means friend. To be ruthless means to be…without a friend, or to be without friendliness or compassion. Sometimes I feel like the world is ruthless. What do you think? Another fun fact. I’m doing something very different for me. ...
- The Key of Our Calling | A Sermon on Vocation from Deuteronomy 5:1-21; 6:4-8 in the Narrative Lectionary October 12, 2015This is the second sermon in a series on Vocation. It is also the next installment of the Narrative Lectionary text that takes us to Deuteronomy 5 and 6. This sermon explores how the Law and Promise provide the Key in which to play out God’s vocation in our everyday lives. Narrative Lectionary Text: Deuteronomy 5:1-21; 6:4-8 and Mark 12:28-31 The Sermon PowerPoint Listen to the Sermon Read the Sermon This is the second sermon in our series on ...
- What’s Your Name? | A Sermon from the Narrative Lectionary on Genesis 32:22-30 September 28, 2015Jacob wrestles with a man in Genesis 32:22-30Open in Logos Bible Software (if available). The mysterious wrestler asks, “What is Your Name?” This question creates a defining moment for Jacob and for us. This sermon explores how spiritual formation must begin with a healthy identity as a child of God.
- What’s the Big Deal about Church? | A Sermon on #missional church September 7, 2015This is the fourth and final sermon in our series on Tough Questions. What is the Big Deal about Church? In an age when more and more people choose to disengage from organized religion and would rather be considered spiritual, but not religious, how should we think about the church? What is it, and why should we care? We were able to use this animation that I did last October as a way to engage with ...
- Does Prayer Make a Difference? | A Sermon August 29, 2015One of the tough questions that the congregation asked was: Does prayer really make a difference. This sermon will explore that important question. What is prayer, and why should we pray? Advance the PowerPoint as you listen Read the Sermon The next question that you asked back in September is: Does prayer really make a difference? Yes, it does. Let’s close in prayer. Just kidding. This is a great question. My guess is that the heart of this question comes from ...
- Why Does God Allow Suffering? | A Sermon August 19, 2015This sermon is the first in a series called “Tough Questions.” We polled the congregation back in June and asked for questions upon which we could build a sermon series. The first question is the biggest question humans tend to ask. How can a good God allow such evil, pain, and suffering to exist in the world. Texts: Habakkuk 1:1-3; Luke 13:1-9 Back in June we filled out cards, asking what questions you would like to ...
- I Believe in the Trinity | A Sermon on the Apostles’ Creed August 6, 2015This is the final sermon in a series on the Apostles’ Creed. It pulls it all together and asks if the Trinity really makes any difference in our everyday lives. Narrative Lectionary texts: Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Matthew 28:16-20 listen to the sermon audio CLICK HERE. Sermon Manuscript We’ve come to the end of our Catechism experience. For the past three weeks we’ve been looking at the Apostles’ Creed. Three weeks ago I kicked it off, and we learned that the word ...
- I Believe in God | A Sermon on the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed July 30, 2015Listen to sermon audio CLICK HERE. I didn’t write out a manuscript for this sermon, but put notes in the Powerpoint. Download I Believe in God sermon.
- Praise the Lord | A Sermon on Psalm 146 July 11, 2015listen to audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary text: Psalm 146 I didn’t write a manuscript for this sermon. Here are Powerpoint Notes. this is the image:
- Whom Shall I Fear? | A Sermon on Psalm 27 July 11, 2015Listen to the audio CLICK HERE Narrative Lectionary Text: Psalm 27:1-6 When my daughter Micki was 7 or 8 years old we were swimming at a friends house one Sunday afternoon. Lona and I were standing in the shallow end, watching as the kids were doing back flips off the edge of the pool into the deep end. Over and over they would flip themselves backwards, do a spin, and land in the water. Micki pushed off for another ...
- Praise the Lord! | A Sermon on Psalm 113 June 10, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Psalm 113 listen to sermon audio: CLICK HERE I want to begin with a little experiment. I’m not sure if you all know something. So, I’m going to sing a phrase, and if you know what to do and say next, then I want you to do it. OK? Here we go Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah… Let’s do this. This side will be the hallelujahs and this side will be the praise ye the Lords. Hallelu, ...
- Alive in Christ | A Sermon for Confirmation from Romans 6:1-14 May 24, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Romans 6:1-14 listen to the sermon audio CLICK HERE. What makes you come alive? What is it that, when you do it, you feel this rush that makes you feel amazing? I’m not talking about a quick buzz, like you feel when you ride a roller coaster or see an amazing movie. I’m not talking about the quick fix that comes from taking drugs, having sex, or eating that tenth piece of chocolate. Those things can make ...
- The Incredible Hope | A Sermon from Romans 5:1-11 for Easter 6 May 15, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Romans 5:1-11 listen to the sermon audio CLICK HERE. Are you discouraged today? I have to be honest, I often struggle with discouragement. So many people are suffering at different levels. On Wednesday, our bishop, Ann Svenegsun’s son died. He was Downs Syndrome and had leukemia. He died at age 30. I look around and I watch families struggle. Some break apart, some suffer in silence. I watch the elderly slowly fade into the margins. I watch ...
- The Power of the Gospel | A Sermon on Romans 1:1-17 for Easter 5 May 5, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Romans 1:1-17 We have a tall order today. I need to introduce us to the apostle Paul, the letter he wrote to the Romans, and discuss what he meant by the Gospel, all in under twenty minutes. We can do this! I’m going to do this by asking three basic questions: Who is Paul? Why did he write this letter? Who cares? Right? I mean, why should we care about a personal letter written by someone 2,000 years ...
- Messy Life Together | A Sermon on the Great Commission from Matthew 28:16-20 April 16, 2015listen to sermon audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary Text. Easter 2. Matthew 28:16-20. Here’s my big question for today. Are you a missionary? What do you think of when you hear the word “missionary?” When I was growing up, whenever I imagined a missionary in my mind, it always looked a lot like this. When I was growing up we had a huge map of the world on the wall of our worship center with the words “GO YE INTO ...
- The Sheep and the Goats | A Sermon for Lent from Matthew 25:31-46 March 27, 2015listen to sermon audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary text: Matthew 25:31-46. I’d like you to imagine something with me. Imagine that you work in customer service. You have the kind of job where your pay is reflected in the type of feedback you get from the people that you help. One day you are doing your job and you have been helping people all day long. It’s getting to the end of the shift and there are two ...
- You’re Invited | A Sermon for Lent from Matthew 22:1-14 March 12, 2015listen to the audio CLICK HERE. When my kids were little I worked at the hotel in Vegas and our shops were open from 8am to 1am every day of the year. I had to be disciplined and guard my time at home very carefully. One evening I was at home mowing my lawn. Lona comes out to get me and says, “David Copperfield is on the phone.” Do you remember David Copperfield; the world-famous illusionist? So, I take ...
- Is God Fair? | A Sermon for Lent from Matthew 20:1-16 March 4, 2015Listen to the sermon CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary Text: Matthew 20:1-16. I have to admit something. This parable has always bugged me. I don’t like this, because I have been working hard my whole life. I had my first job as a sophomore in high school and have been working ever since. I worked twelve hours a day, six days a week, every summer during college. Most of my adult life I have worked at lease two jobs. I ...
- Living Upside Down | A Sermon for Ash Wednesday from Matthew 18:1-9 February 22, 2015Living Upside Down | A Sermon for Ash Wednesday from Matthew 18:1-9 from Grace Lutheran – Andover, MN Listen to the audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary Text: Matthew 18:1-9. Do we have any pilots in the room? I want you to verify something for me. When a pilot is flying at night, the pilot has to rely completely on the instruments, right? I heard a story about a fighter pilot who was running a ...
- Living in Righteousness | A Sermon from Matthew 5:1-20 January 27, 2015Listen to the audio CLICK HERE. Narrative Lectionary Text: Matthew 5:1-20 Who do we look up to in our society? Next weekend there will be millions of people and billions of dollars spent on something. What is it called? Right. The Superbowl. What is the Superbowl again? Oh right, a game. There is a list of successful companies. What do we call that list? Right. The Fortune 500. What allows a company to make that list? Money. We love ...
- Living in Freedom | A Sermon for Baptism Renewal from Matthew 3:1-17 January 14, 2015Narrative Lectionary Text: Matthew 3:1-17 What do you want to burn today? I know I would like to burn about twenty pounds. Are you with me on that one? It is the New Year and many of us are asking this question. What would you like to burn off, or throw away, or drown? What is cluttering up your life? You know I’ve been working on my dissertation. By the way, that cold day on Wednesday was a gift ...
- Moving Forward in Uncertain Times | A Sermon from Matthew 2:13-23 January 6, 2015Moving Forward in Uncertain Times | A Sermon from Matthew 2:13-23
2013 Sermons
- Practicing Daily Bread | A Sermon about Manna from Exodus 16:2-15 September 22, 2023This sermon was written in October, 2013. It was originally delivered as part of the Narrative Lectionary that we were following in the church I served. I’m reposting it today because the Revised Common Lectionary calls for this story in the first reading. RCL text: Exodus 16:2-15 Narrative Lectionary Text: Exodus 16:1-18
- Home for Christmas | A Sermon for Advent 3 | Isaiah 55 December 19, 2013Narrative Lectionary Text: Isaiah 55:1-11 and John 4:13-17 listen to the audio Let’s play the fill in the blank game. I’ll say a phrase and you say what comes next. There’s no such thing as a free _______. lunch. You can never go ________. home. If something is too good to be true, it probably ______. is. Isn’t that interesting how common those ideas are? It’s pretty safe to guess that a vast majority of people operate under those basic assumptions ...
- Advent 1 | Firm in Your Faith | A Sermon from Daniel 3:1, 8-30 December 3, 2013Text: Daniel 3:1, 8-30 and John 18:36-37 Nebuchadnezzar. That’s just a fun name to say. Say it out loud with me. Neb-u-chad-nezz-ar. Then there’s Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Or Rack, Shack, and Benny. Any Veggie Tales fans out there? The bunny, the bunny, oh, I love the bunny. This story is so big and the message of hope is obvious that it pretty much preaches itself. Some of you are hoping, “Maybe he’ll just pray and ...
- Let Justice Roll Down Like Water | A Sermon from Amos 5:21-24 November 14, 2013The Narrative Lectionary Text: Amos 1:1-2; 5:14-15, 21-24 Imagine this. “Howdy, y’all. I’m a farmer from Alabama. The Lord told me to come here today all you Yanks to give y’all a message. He says, ‘I hate your worship services. I despise everything about them–your music, your offerings, your prayers. They make me sick. If you don’t start getting Justice flowin’ and righteousness goin’, then it’s lights out for you.’ I guess that’s it. By the ...
- When God is Silent | A Sermon on 1 Kings 19:1-18 November 4, 2013Text from the Narrative Lectionary: 1 Kings 19:1-18 Have you ever been disappointed by God? I know that sounds sacrilegious, but let’s be honest. Has there ever been a time in your life when you thought that you had done everything that you were supposed to do, and things still didn’t work out well. What’s going on, Lord? I’ve lived a clean life. I didn’t smoke, I didn’t chew, I didn’t go with girls who do, ...
- Don’t Label Me | A Sermon on 1 Samuel 16:1-13 October 22, 2013Text: 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Listen to the audio. We like labels. They make life easier. If a jar says poison, it can quickly save my life. If it says gluten-free, then it is safe for some people. Labels help us make quick decisions about certain things, and that is good. The problem is that we like to slap labels on people. Many of you know that I began my adult career as a caricature artist. I drew at the Great ...
- Discerning the Voice of God | The Call of Samuel in 1 Samuel 3:1-21 October 16, 2013Narrative Lectionary Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 This is the video that was played throughout the sermon… If someone told you that they were hearing voices in their head, what would be your first reaction? Let’s be honest. We would probably start reaching for the phone to get the nice men in white jackets to come over. Or we would think, “there’s probably a medication that can take care of that.” What if they told you that the voice ...
- Stand Strong in the Lord | A Sermon on Ephesians 6:10-20 September 5, 2013Text: Ephesians 6:10-20 You may also want to hear this sermon on the same passage. Read the sermon Zombies. Have you noticed how zombies seem to show up everywhere in our popular culture these days. There are zombie movies–like World War Z–but zombies have even made it into classical literature. Check out the young adult section of the book store and you’ll see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I’m not making this up. My son has recently been watching a ...
- Walking Worthy of the Calling | A Sermon on Ephesians 4:1-16 August 29, 2013Text: Ephesians 4:1-16 Listen to the audio Two weeks ago I asked if you are a springer or an oozer. We looked at Ephesians 1 and saw how our vision of God’s promised and preferred future shapes our present attitude. Last week we looked at the past. Ephesians chapter 2 showed us what Jesus has done. He has taken two hostile cultural groups, broken down the wall of hostility, and made them into one new thing; the temple of ...
- Unity in the Body | A Sermon on Ephesians 2:11-22 August 19, 2013Text: Ephesians 2:11-22 listen to audio Unity in the Body | A Sermon on Ephesians 2:11-22 from Grace Lutheran – Andover, MN Last Friday Lona, Ethan, Micki and I went on a college visit to Concordia College in Moorhead. It was a really great day. At one point in the presentation three students stood up in front and taught us the cheer. If we have any Cobbers here, feel free to join in. It goes like this: Lutefisk ...
- Sealed with a Promise | A Sermon on Ephesians 1:1-14 August 12, 2013Text: Ephesians 1:1-14 listen to audio Sealed with a Promise | A Sermon on Ephesians 1:1-14 from Grace Lutheran – Andover, MN I have an important question today. Are you a springer, or an oozer? I’m talking about how you get out of bed in the morning. Do you spring out of bed, excited to do what you have to do, or do you slowly ooze out of bed, wondering if it is even ...
- Trust in The Lord…in ALL things | A Sermon on Proverbs 3:5-6 August 1, 2013Text: Proverbs 3:5-6 Listen to the audio Last week we introduced Wisdom literature and the Proverbs. Today we are going to dive into it and look at some verses in Proverbs 3 that you may have heard before. These are really popular verses when our confirmation students are asked to choose a life verse. Let’s read them together from Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ...
- The Beginning of Wisdom | A Sermon on Proverbs 1:1-7 July 2, 2013Text: Proverbs 1:1-7 and Luke 6:47-49 listen to the audio Words of wisdom. Our culture is obsessed with them. Look at the bookstore and noticed how large the self-help section is. There is a book about how to succeed in just about everything. Five steps to losing weight, to a better love life, to getting a promotion, to inner peace. Look at how popular Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz are. Most of this wisdom literature comes in the form ...
- The Gift of Forgiveness | sermon on the Lord’s Prayer part Four June 23, 2013Text: Matthew 6:12 Read the sermon It’s week four of our look at the Lord’s Prayer. Our Father, our parent who walks across the room to pursue a relationship with us, may your reputation be made holy and special through how we live. May your vision and dream for a healed and reconciled world become a reality on earth among all people. Provide our needs, may there be peace with everyone who provides our bread and a piece ...
- Sermon | Our Daily Bread | Matthew 6:11 June 14, 2013Text: Matthew 6:11 Listen to the audio. We’ve come to week three of our study in the Lord’s Prayer. Two weeks ago we were reminded that God is our Father, the loving parent who walks across the room and pursues us and desires to be in relationship with us. That Heaven is here and now in how we live. That we are asking God to make God’s reputation holy through us. Then last week we saw a real-life ...
- Sermon | God, Our Father | the Lord’s Prayer, part 1 May 30, 2013Text: Matthew 6:9 | The Lord’s Prayer God, Our Father Listen to the audio. Have you ever noticed that when you say a word over and over it starts to lose its meaning, like its not even a word. Let’s try it. I want you to say your name out loud, over and over until I tell you to stop. Ready. Go. Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve. OK, stop. First of all, ...
- One in Christ | A Sermon on Galatians 3 May 17, 2013listen to the audio Here is the video I used in the sermon.
- Justified by Faith | A Sermon on Galatians 1:13-17, 2:11-21 May 8, 2013listen to the sermon audio Justification. That’s a word that I’m guessing you probably didn’t use in the last week. It’s one of those words that we tend to lump into the category of stuffy and abstract theology. “I’ve been baptized, justified, homogenized, and petrified. Amen, FM.” How do we use the term justified in our culture? We say, “he was just trying to justify himself.” What does that mean? _____. Right, it means making up excuses for ...
- A Part for Everyone | A Sermon on Acts 6-7 | Easter 2 April 16, 2013Text: Acts 6:1-7:60 listen to the sermon audio. I want to take a quick poll. How many of you were raised Lutheran? It’s OK if you weren’t. I wasn’t. Of those who were raised Lutheran, I’m curious to know how many of you thought of yourself as either Swedish Lutheran, Norwegian Lutheran, or German Lutheran? Let’s see how many Swedes. How many Norwegians? How many Germans? Isn’t that interesting. That fact that you are sitting here today, in the same ...
- Tables and Gates | A Sermon on The Rich Man and Lazarus from Luke 16:19-31 | Lent 4 March 11, 2013listen to the audio. Text: Luke 16:19-31 I want to talk about tables and gates. I love tables. They are things that bring people together. Take a moment and think about one of your favorite table moments. Maybe it was sitting at the kids table at family gatherings. The lunch table with all your camp buddies during summer camp. That’s one of the reasons I enjoy Sunday Evenings @ Grace so much. We sit around tables and eat together. ...
- Lost | A Sermon on Luke 15:1-32 | Lent 3 March 8, 2013Text: Luke 15:1-32 Oh, its’ you. I’m so glad to see you! I can’t believe it. I’m so excited, we need to have a party. Hit it! We’ll talk later. Oh, it’s you. What just happened there? No offense, I was just doing an object lesson. _ Have you ever been on the receiving end of one of these kinds of receptions? Or, have you ever been on the delivering end of one of these kinds of receptions? Why do ...
- Where’s the Fruit | a Sermon on Luke 13:1-9, 31-35 | Lent 2 March 3, 2013Listen to the audio Text: Luke 13:1-9, 31-35 Did you see this video clip of the meteor that exploded over Russia last week? Wasn’t that incredible? What would be going through someone’s mind at that moment? Ahhhh. We’re gonna die! It’s the end of the world! This is God’s judgment! Have you noticed how some people are quick to associate God’s judgment with natural disaster? When a hurricane, or an earthquake, or a tornado hits; when a meteor ...
- Ash Wednesday Sermon | Ash Moments | Luke 9:51-62 February 21, 2013The quality of this audio isn’t the best, because it was recorded on a device sitting out in the open space, rather than taken straight from the sound board. It is better than no recording at all and I am grateful for it. Text: Luke 9:51-62 Here’s a link to the book I reference in the sermon. Death by Suburb: How to Keep the Suburbs from Killing Your Soul by David Goetz. A few years ago I took ...
- Gone Fishing? | A Sermon on Luke 5:1-11 | the Great Catch of Fish | Epiphany 4 January 29, 2013Listen to the sermon audio Text: Luke 5:1-11 and Isaiah 6:1-8 There is no manuscript to read for this sermon because I never wrote one. There was a huge funeral in the week leading up to this sermon so I did not have a chance to write it out. It was plotted out fairly well in my head, but you can only to listen to it. The gist of the sermon is that Jesus entered into Simon’s home ...
- Set Free to Be Free | A Sermon on Luke 4:14-30 January 28, 2013Listen to the sermon audio “Give me liberty, or give me…death” Who said that? Patrick Henry. These are the words that swung the opinion of the Virginia Convention to join the revolution against the British Empire. Patrick Henry had a dream of liberty and freedom for the American colonies. On Monday we will celebrate a man who cried out, “Free at last, free at last, praise God almighty, we are free at last.” Dr. King had a ...
- Where Is The King? | A Sermon for Epiphany | Matthew 2:1-12 January 6, 2013Where Is The King? | A Sermon for Epiphany | Matthew 2:1-12
2012 Sermons
- The Glory of Christmas | A Sermon on Christmas Morning | Luke 2:8-20 December 28, 2012Narrative Lectionary Text: Luke 2:8-20 There is no manuscript for this sermon because I didn’t write one. I had a basic idea of where I wanted to go, and decided to see what happened when I started talking. The sermon is based on the fact that the word translated “glory” in English is the Greek word “doxa.” It means reputation. To glorify someone is to uphold their reputation and make their reputation greater among the people. What ...
- Return to Me | A Sermon on Joel 2:12-12, 28-29 | Advent 2 December 21, 2012Narrative Lectionary Text: Joel 2:12-13, 28-29 What do you long for? I have a hunch that if we were honest, that every one of us in this room has a deep longing for something right now. Granted, for some of you, it might be a longing that the Vikings would win the Super Bowl. Or you are longing for a big fat steak, or simply to take a nap. But, I think if that we dug a ...
- Sermon on Daniel in the Lions Den | Daniel 6:6-27 | Advent 1 | #hate2wait December 3, 2012Narrative Lectionary Text: Daniel 6:6-27 Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is all about waiting. The problem is that we hate to wait! Waiting is hard to do. We’re suburbanites. We don’t wait for things. If the person in front of us at the light waits more than .3 seconds to go when the light turns green, we’re on the horn. We have such a hard time waiting, we start Black Friday on Thursday Evening! This week, ...
- Ruined and Reconciled: A Sermon on Isaiah 6:1-8 November 21, 2012Narrative Lectionary Text: Isaiah 6:1-8 “bang!” “Holy Blank, Batman!” Get it? I shot a blank. That’s funny. Do you remember who used to say “Holy ______” all the time? Robin. Right. As in Batman and Robin. The caped crusader’s sidekick was technically correct and biblically accurate in his use of the term. Let’s see how this works. Let’s say you saw a turtle on the ground. You’d say, “there’s a turtle.” Now let’s say you saw a ...
- Sermon on The Golden Calf – Exodus 32:1-14 November 7, 2012Sermon preached at Grace Lutheran Church. October 7, 2012 | Text: Exodus 32:1-14 Listen to the audio A couple weeks ago I was walking down the street and…oh, wait. No, sorry. That wasn’t me. That was supposed to be a joke. The funny thing about it is that I actually do that. Ask my wife. I’ll be telling a story to somebody about something that we did and I’ll look over at Lona and she’ll be looking at ...
- Sermon on Elijah and the Widow | 1 Kings 17:1-16 | Faith in Famine November 7, 2012Narrative Lectionary text: 1 Kings 17:1-16 Sandy hit hard this week. It’s hard to imagine what that storm was like, especially as we sat here in such perfect fall weather. Have you tracked with the story at all? Seeing the images of the streets of New York all empty was eerie. One reporter said it felt like he was on the set of a post-apocalyptic movie. As I was thinking about those empty streets, and that storm, and ...
- Stand Strong in Everyday Struggles – A Sermon on the Armor of God September 8, 2012 This is the sermon on Ephesians 6:10-20 I preached on August 26, 2012 I experimented a little in the last days before school started back up and put the sermon to some simple visuals. This is a Prezi based on the PowerPoint I used during the sermon. Nothing fancy. Read the Sermon What do you struggle with today? I struggle with self doubt. Every day I struggle with this little voice that whispers things like: “who do you think you ...
- Breaking Down Walls – Sermon on Ephesians 2:11-22 July 26, 2012Breaking Down Walls - Sermon on Ephesians 2:11-22
- Stormy Weather | A Sermon on Mark 4:35-41 June 28, 2012What makes you afraid? I think many of us have a certain level of phobia lurking around inside. I know I suffer from Cnidophobia. That’s the fear of stings. Seriously, ever since I was a little kid I’ve been terrified of flying stinging bugs. Even now, when a bee or wasp flies near me I have to close my eyes and breath deeply. And then my wife lets the wasps land on her and it totally ...
- Sermon Manuscript – Meeting God in Ordinary Spaces June 14, 2012listen to the sermon online Mark 3:19-35 “Are you crazy?” “What would possess you to do something like that?” Have you ever heard those words before? If you’re a parent you’ve probably said them before. You walk in on your kids and they’ve creatively redecorated their bedroom with the squeeze bottle of honey and the feather pillow. They’ve created a whole new texture to the walls. You know how it goes, you walk in and everything freezes. Your heart ...
- Sermon on Vital Relationships May 19, 2012I received a request to post the slides from last week’s sermon. Here they are. click here for the manuscript. Listen to the audio. The text is John 15:9-17 and 1 John 5:1-6. Sermon slides vital relationships View more presentations from Grace Lutheran – Andover, MN.
2011 Sermons
- Four Sermons from the Revised Common Lectionary Year A in the Gospel of Matthew August 21, 2014Here are links to sermons that I preached from the Revised Common Lectionary: Year A, back in 2011. We have since switched to the Narrative Lectionary at Grace, but I offer these sermons up to anyone who is preaching the RCL this fall. Enjoy! Confront in Love: A Sermon on Matthew 18:15-20 A Sermon on Humility from Matthew 21:23-32 Worship is Our Response | A Sermon on Matthew 22:15-22 The One Talent Man | A Sermon on Matthew 25:14-30
- The Christmas Promise – A Sermon for Christmas Eve December 26, 2011Text: Isaiah 9:2-7 and Luke 2:1-20 No jelly! That’s what he said to me. I was in third grade and my brother was a junior in high school. It was Christmas time and my mom had been baking cookies all day. My brother called me over and said, “hey Steve, if you go upstairs, make by bed, and clean up my room, then I’ll give you a big surprise.” “Really?” I said. “You promise?” “I promise.” I ran up ...
- Blue Prayer for Advent – A Sermon for Advent 1 November 29, 2011texts for this week: Isaiah 64:1-9 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 Advent is blue. Isn’t this beautiful? I love what our Liturgical Arts team does. I love the fact that the church calendar is color coded. Seriously, as we move through the seasons of the church calendar and relive the life of Jesus year after year, the colors help to set the mood and create a space for us to meditate on God and think about the particular ...
- Worship is Our Response | A Sermon on Matthew 22:15-22 October 17, 2011Sermon Text: Matthew 22:15-22 listen to the audio I need some money. I’d like you to all take out a piece of paper money if you have some on you. Don’t worry, I’m not going to have the ushers pass the plates. Just take out a bill and wave it up in the air for me. Good. Now look at the paper. What is written on the paper? To whom does this paper ...
- Sermon on Humility from Matthew 21:23-32 and Philippians 2:1-13 September 30, 2011A Sermon on humility from the Revised Common Lectionary | Ordinary Time Week 26 | Matthew 21:23-32 and Philippians 2:1-13 Read the Sermon Once there was a lion. The lion was proud of his mastery of the animal kingdom. One day he decided to make sure all the other animals knew he was the king of the jungle. He was so confident that he by-passed the smaller animals and went straight to the bear. “Who is the ...
- Confront in Love | A Sermon on Matthew 18:15-20 September 4, 2011listen to the audio…CLICK FOR SERMON AUDIO Sermon Text: Matthew 18:15-20 Conflict happens. Story of old couple on porch…”Well, I’m tired of you, too!” Gary Smalley Conference He said two things that really stuck with me: Key to a successful marriage – learn to fight well Conflict is the gateway to intimacy Levels of relationship Exchange of data Exchange thoughts and opinions Exchange of feelings CONFLICT Intimacy Need to know the rules of engagement If you want to have a close relationship with your spouse, your family, your friends – ...
- Faith in Unexpected Places | A Sermon on Matthew 14:22-33 August 14, 2011listen to the audio The title of this sermon is Faith in Unexpected Places. That’s a good title, but I have an unpublished title. I’d like to call it 19 baskets and a dog dish. First I need you to help me organize this mess. Let’s count out twelve baskets over here. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Good. Now, over here I want to put ...
- Facing Storms – A Sermon on Matthew 14:22-33 August 8, 2011Have you ever been afraid of water? When I was a kid I had a terrified awe of the swimming pool. We lived in this big old house near Detroit, Michigan, and it had an in ground pool in the back yard. I was fascinated with the water, but I was terrified of it. My mom would take me into the water, but I would grab onto her and scream bloody murder when she would ...
- God Breathes – A Sermon for Pentecost June 13, 2011text Acts 2:1-21 and John 20:19-23 I like to breathe. Breathing has been a big part of my life. In fact, I think I can’t live without it. Try it with me. Take in a deep breath. Feels good, doesn’t it? When I was in choir they taught us how to really breathe. You breathe in through your nose as long as you can, and then, just when you think you can’t anymore, you suck in a little ...
- Shepherd of Hope | A Sermon on 1 Peter 2:19-25 May 19, 2011Friday night I finally watched the movie “Slumdog Millionaire.” It was a shocking look at a grim reality in India.. I can’t think of a worse scenario for a child. This little boy named Jamal saw his mother was murdered by a religious mob. He literally grew up on the trash heap. Bad people continually hurt him and used him throughout his life. If anyone had the right to become bitter and violent, it was ...
- A Gift of Hope | A Sermon from 1 Peter 1 May 3, 2011Hope. Sometimes this is a difficult concept to grasp. It’s one of those words that we say often, but when asked to define, it can be difficult to pin down. I found it especially hard to focus on a season of hope this week as I watched the news reports of the devastating tornadoes that swept through the south. With wars, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, fighting in our homes, how can we talk about hope? I suppose if ...
- Sermon for Lazarus Sunday April 11, 2011You can listen to all the sermons at Grace here. Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14 John 11:38-45 We begin our lesson with death. I know this is a morbid place to start. You might even find this body offensive. If you do, I’m sorry. It is not my intent to offend. I know this is painfully real for many of us. Five years ago this was my father-in-law. Eight months ago it was my sister-in-law. It would be safe to say that the majority ...
- Images of Fasting – FCA presentation April 4, 2011I had the extreme privilege of speaking at the Andover/Blaine FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) 30-Hour Famine last Friday. One of their student leaders, Laura Hellmann, asked if I would talk to them about the purpose and spiritual benefit of fasting. The request itself demonstrates the spiritual hunger and maturity of this group. They were very hospitable to me and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Below is the powerpoint I used for the message. Enjoy. Fasting View more ...
- Called to Move – a sermon March 21, 2011Lectionary Texts: Genesis 12:1-4 John 3:1-17 My dog is a spaz. Meet Shasta. He’s my 12 pound ball of fur. He was traumatized as a small puppy. He loved running out of our sliding glass door to the back yard. One day we had the glass door open, but the screen door was closed. You can see it coming can’t you. That poor little guy built up a head of steam, barreled toward the ...
- Called to Move – Sermon Manuscript March 20, 2011Lectionary Texts: Genesis 12:1-4 John 3:1-17 My dog is a spaz. Meet Shasta. He’s my 12 pound ball of fur. He was traumatized as a small puppy. He loved running out of our sliding glass door to the back yard. One day we had the glass door open, but the screen door was closed. You can see it coming can’t you. That poor little guy built up a head of steam, barreled toward the door, and then, BAM! ...
- Ash Wednesday Sermon March 10, 2011A few years ago my family visited Yellowstone National Park. One thing that really struck me about the experience was this scene. The forest had been decimated by fire. It was black and barren. This painting reminds me of a stark reality. Everything burns. Burning is simply the process of something falling apart. It is energy being released as the molecular bonds are broken and what was once a beautiful piece of wood is reduced to ...
- Going the Second Mile – Matthew 5:38-48 February 22, 2011Matthew 5:38-48 Love your enemies. Turn the other cheek, go the second mile. Seriously, Jesus? Have you ever struggled with this passage? I know I have over the years. I mean come on Jesus, Pray for those who persecute you? And then there’s the kicker at the end. “oh, yeah. By the way. Be perfect, too.” Like we can ever live up to that standard. Why don’t you just ask me to sprout wings and fly to the ...
- Going the Second Mile | A Sermon on Matthew 5:38-48 February 20, 2011This is the manuscript from today’s sermon. Today was the first day I got to preside at the service under the Bishop’s provisional blessing. Woo-hoo! Enjoy. Matthew 5:38-48 Love your enemies. Turn the other cheek, go the second mile. Seriously, Jesus? Have you ever struggled with this passage? I know I have over the years. I mean come on Jesus, Pray for those who persecute you? And then there’s the kicker at the end. “oh, yeah. By the way. Be ...
- Cultivating Contentment | A Sermon on Luke 12:15 February 5, 2011This is the text for the message I will be preaching tonight and tomorrow morning.. I blame it all on the ice cream truck. Let’s all go to a happy place together for a minute. I call it…summer. Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice. It’s a beautiful summer afternoon. Your chores are done, the kids are all playing calmly, and you are just about to close your eyes for a much deserved nap. This is the picture ...
- Lamb of God | A Sermon on John 1:29-42 January 23, 2011CLICK HERE to find updated images and resources for this passage. this sermon was delivered on January 16, 2011 at Grace Lutheran Church, Andove, MN. Have you ever noticed how you can say a word over and over and it starts to lose its meaning? Or you can have an object that in your house that you see day after day and you forget it’s there. Today, we are going to look at something that can be like that. In ...
- The Word Became Flesh – John 1:14 January 2, 2011This is the text of a message I gave today… It is the Second Sunday of Christmas and I have been looking for the perfect icon for Christmas. It is the 9th day of Christmas, so, on the 9th day of Christmas, my true gave to me…wait for it…Chile con Carne! OK, so that’s not really a familiar icon of Christmas. It is actually more like a joke. What does chile con carne and Christmas have in common? Con carne ...
2010 Sermons
- Easter Vigil Message April 3, 2010Easter Vigil 2010 View more presentations from Spot Studios, Grace Lutheran – Andover, MN. Saturday. Nobody was expecting Saturday. They hadn’t signed up for this. Three years earlier Peter, James, and John had been fishermen in Galillee. They were probably your typical man’s man. I don’t know what the Hebrew is for “huh, huh, huh,” but they probably did it. Everyday they would go out to work, slave away, and then walk past the Roman soldiers on their way home. The ...
2009 Sermons
- A Sermon on Hebrews 3 November 5, 2009This is the manuscript from a message I gave at the Meadow Creek Youth Group last night. These were the words I was supposed to say, anyway. I’m not sure what came out. For some reason I get really flustered when I speak there. It’s probably because I don’t know the students very well and I can’t get a vibe on how they receive me. Hopefully that will change as I am scheduled to teach ...
- Message from Joshua 2 – God Loves Prostitutes October 18, 2009This is the manuscript of a Sermon I preached at Good Shepherd Covenant church on October 18, 2009. Joshua chapter 2. It’s dark in here. These flax stalks are poking me. I can’t believe we are in this situation. Why did she hide us in here anyway? Maybe she didn’t want us to see when the guards come and drive their spears through our bodies. She told us to lie here and wait. I hate waiting. Let’s assess the situation. We ...
- A Message on Psalm 131 August 19, 2009This is the manuscript for a message delivered at Good Shepherd Covenant Church on August 16th, 2009. Good morning. I was so honored when Pastor Hollis invited me to come share with you today. I met him through my Dad, Jim Thomason, who used to be the pastor at Meadow Creek. He’s been here with you before. It was great to meet Pastor Hollis. It turns out that we have some things in common. He lived in Las Vegas and ...