by Steve Thomason | Sep 17, 2018 | Books - Adult Learning
I read The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt. I had seen it in the bookstore, and heard it mentioned a few places, most notably by Tripp Fuller on the Homebrewed Christianity podcast. So, I thought I should read it. I’m so glad I did. This is one of those books...
by Steve Thomason | Nov 24, 2015 | Books - Preaching
It has been a long time since a book felt like a cool drink of water on a hot day, or sitting down on a comfortable chair after a long and weary walk, or sharing a good meal with safe people after days of hostile deliberations. Frederick Buechner’s book Telling...
by Steve Thomason | Aug 10, 2015 | Books - Missional Church
Bouman, Stephen P. 2013. The Mission Table: Renewing Congregation and Community. (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress). Author Stephen P. Bouman is the Executive Director of Congregational and Synodical Mission in the ELCA Churchwide Office. [divider] My Thoughts...
by Steve Thomason | May 30, 2015 | Books - Missional Church
Zscheile, Dwight. 2014. The Agile Church: Spirit-Led Innovation in an Uncertain Age. New York: Morehouse. Author: Dwight Zscheile Assistant Professor at Luther Seminary; Episcopal Priest. PhD – Luther Seminary M.Div – Yale [divider] Table of Contents...
by Steve Thomason | Sep 23, 2014 | Books - Spirituality, Books - Trinity, postfoundational
Grenz, Stanley J. The Social God and the Relational Self: A Trinitarian Theology of the Imago Dei. 1st ed. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001. Author – Stanley Grenz Grenz traces the historical backdrop of the concept of self in the West in order...