OMG! Can We Talk About God?

This course is designed for beginners who want to learn how to talk about God but are intimidated by words like theology or theologian. All are welcome. Join us. You can watch the videos in the playlist above.

A College Level introduction course

51w8ZFVkrQL51qVZw6kOlL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_I taught a Theological Foundations course at Bethany University in 2006-2007. These are the slides from that course. There are two basic texts. The first is Who Needs Theology by Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson and the second is Christian Doctrine by Shirley Guthrie.

Much has happened in my life and theological imagination since I taught this course. (1) I transferred my ordination from the Christian Church into the ELCA. (2) I earned a Ph.D. in Congregational Mission and Leadership from Luther Seminary. The PowerPoints below are historical artifacts. I may or may not teach the class this way now. However, the core methodologies are sound. See this post and this page for a glimpse into some of the recent shifts in my theological imagination.


PowerPoint Presentations from Bethany University Theological Foundations TH2103

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