Help Me Dream into 2024, Please

Help Me Dream into 2024, Please

Would you help me discern what visual resources I should create for the good of the church in 2024? 

This year I completed a five-year journey of illustrating all four gospels and the book of Acts as graphic novels. Now I wonder what God might be asking me to illustrate and/or animate in 2024. I’d love to hear your suggestions/needs to spark my imagination.

Would you be willing to take this short survey. It should take 2 minutes, tops.

The Transfiguration in Matthew

The Transfiguration in Matthew

Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain where they witness him be transfigured before there eyes. He stands with Moses and Elijah and the voice of God says, “This is my son, with whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.” Why did Matthew include this story at this point in his narrative?

This video is an excerpt from our weekly Bible Study on A Cartoonist’s Bible Network. Every Monday at 4:00pm Central Time members of the network gather on Zoom to discuss the text for that week from both the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary. I walk through the visuals on A Cartoonist’s Guide to the Bible and we discuss ideas for how to teach and preach the text.

My Last Day in Guatemala

My Last Day in Guatemala

It is Friday afternoon and I’m sitting in the courtyard of the Lutheran Center in Guatemala City, Guatemala. It is currently 80 degrees and absolutely perfect in the shade of this patio table. I’m very excited to be reunited with my wife and family tomorrow, but, to...

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