by Steve Thomason | Mar 14, 2022 | Books - Epistemology/Hermeneutics, Theology
Visual notes from Homebrewed Guide to Jesus by Tripp Fuller. Chapters 5-7.
by Steve Thomason | Mar 7, 2022 | Bible, Books - Epistemology/Hermeneutics
I am currently reading Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Jesus by Tripp Fuller as part of a class taught by Tripp Fuller and Diana Butler-Bass. Below are my notes from chapters 2-4. The book introduces recent scholarship about Jesus and a really helpful and inclusive...
by Steve Thomason | Nov 12, 2021 | Art, Books - Epistemology/Hermeneutics, postfoundational, Theology
These images visualize an Open and Relational Theology as described by Tripp Fuller and John Cobb.
by Steve Thomason | Feb 3, 2018 | Books - Epistemology/Hermeneutics, Spirituality in Adult Learning
Andy Root is a professor at Luther Seminary and a thought leader in youth ministry, young adults, family, church, and culture. I had the privilege to hear Andy present the big concepts in his book Faith Formation in a Secular Age at Luther this week. I was on campus...
by Steve Thomason | Jul 21, 2014 | Books - Epistemology/Hermeneutics, Books - Spirituality, Cognitive Development and the Evolving Self
Van Huyssteen, J. Wentzel and Erik P. Wiebe. In Search of Self: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Personhood. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2011. The following two paragraphs provide a good flavor for this collection of essays that explore the human self in an...
by Steve Thomason | Apr 23, 2014 | Books - Epistemology/Hermeneutics, How Do We Think?
Grondin, Jean. Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1994. Author – Jean Grondin The following illustration represents the history that Grondin sets forth in this book. It provides a nice frame for understanding how...