Andy Root is a professor at Luther Seminary and a thought leader in youth ministry, young adults, family, church, and culture. I had the privilege to hear Andy present the big concepts in his book Faith Formation in a Secular Age at Luther this week. I was on campus all week co-teaching a group of Doctor of Ministry students with Terri Elton in the course Missional Leadership. We took a field trip to hear Andy’s presentation. It was AWESOME!

Andy draws from Charles Taylor’s book A Secular Age and brings Taylor’s analysis of the Immanent Frame into conversation with our current moment in Western culture.  More and more people now identify as either a spiritual “none” or simply “done” with organized religion. Andy helps us understand this moment and pushes the religious professionals to reframe our thinking about the challenges this presents to the church.

I can’t wait to read the book.

updated…Here are some notes from the book itself

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