My New Course | Overflow: Loving God With Our Mind
I’m excited to share with you my latest course at Faith+Lead Academy. It’s called Overflow: Loving God with our Mind.
I’m excited to share with you my latest course at Faith+Lead Academy. It’s called Overflow: Loving God with our Mind.
Here is a new version of the Overflow Principle. Everything flows from God, the Alpha, through us, for the telos of God, the Omega. Pretty cool.
Why do we make such a big deal about Jesus? Can’t we just talk about God, or be spiritual. What does a 1st century Jewish Rabbi have to do with life today?
How do we preach about the Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed and the so-called American Dream that is celebrated on Independence Day and the Fourth of July? Do they go together?
This short animation allows you to contemplate the Trinity. The Bible speaks of God the creator. Jesus called God “Abba” which means Father, or Daddy. It is a term of endearment between child and parent. The Holy Spirit is the power of life and love throughout scripture. The Hebrew word is ruach.
Is the doctrine of The Holy Trinity the truth that accurately describes God, or is it a trap that can lead us into a harmful form of rigid thinking and idolatry?
The answer, in my opinion, is yes (in good Lutheran, paradoxical fashion).