by stevethomason | Jan 30, 2019 | Technology for Academics
This week is a highlighter week for me each year. I have the privilege of co-teaching the Missional Leadership Course with Dr. Terri Elton in the Doctor of Ministry Program at Luther Seminary. This is an intensive week of collaborative learning with pastors and...
by Steve Thomason | Jun 25, 2015 | Personal Journal
Tomorrow at 10am, I will stand before my panel in Northwestern 100 at Luther Seminary and defend the dissertation. Here’s how it is supposed to go: 15 minutes for me to present the project 90 minutes for the panel to riddle me with questions 15 minutes for the...
by Steve Thomason | Mar 23, 2015 | Personal Journal, Personal Updates, Uncategorized
I designed the Deep in the Burbs project around three phases. The first phase would consist of six large group meetings. The group would meet for two hours on six consecutive Monday evenings, starting on February 24, 2014 and ending on March 24, 2014. The second phase...
by Steve Thomason | Jan 27, 2015 | Spiritual Formation
Please pray for me tomorrow and Thursday. I will present a workshop at the Mid-Winter Convocation at Luther Seminary both days. This workshop is based on the Deep in the Burbs Project I did last year for the dissertation. This will be my first workshop in this new...
by Steve Thomason | Jan 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
This post is a thick description of the Deep in the Burbs Research project. It is my attempt to describe what we did during the nine months of the project so that the reader may have an informed lens to evaluate the findings. Of course, this thick description is...