This year I have been holding a daily practice of reading a daily devotional. I read the devo, record the verses and “Daily Mission” in a Logos Bible Software notebook, then write it down and do a pen and ink drawing in a Moleskine notebook to visually meditate on it. I’ll share the whole journey at the end of the year.

This morning I was especially captured by the practice because it prompted me to create a new iteration of my ongoing journey with The Overflow Principle.

The author called it “The State of Throughness.” The Mission challenge says, “Live today in the state of throughness. Make [God] your Alpha, the reason for everything you do, and your Omega, the One for whom you live.”

These are the scriptures:

2 Corinthians 4:7

2 Timothy 2:21 and

Revelation 1:8

Here is the sketch that flowed from this meditation. Enjoy!

We love God with our Mind, Spirit, and Body and God’s Love overflows to the world around us.

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