Visual Resources for the Lectionaries
This post offers visual resources for the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary for October 8, 2023. A unique convergence happens with the lectionaries this week around “The Greatest Commandment.” The RCL connects with the giving of the Law in Exodus 20 as it works through the Exodus story. The NL focuses on the second giving of the Law with The Shema in Deuteronmy 6. The RCL also looks at the Vine in Isaiah 5 and continues a mini series with Philippians 3:5-14, as Paul presses toward the goal. The RCL Gospel is Matthew 21:33-46, the second of three parables that challenge the leader’s authority. The NL attaches Jesus’ claim of the Greatest Commandment in Mark 12:28-31 for the Gospel reading.
Revised Common Lectionary
Here are quick links to all the texts for this week:
October 8
Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 and Psalm 19:1-14
Isaiah 5:1-7 and Psalm 80:7-15
Philippians 3:4b-14
Matthew 21:33-46
Exodus 20:1-4

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From the Archives…
Isaiah 5:1-7

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Feel free to use any or all of these slides and images in your own preaching and teaching.
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Philippians 3:5-14

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Feel free to use any or all of these slides and images in your own preaching and teaching.
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The RCL Gospel Reading is Matthew 21:33-46. Jesus tells the parable of the wicked tenants. This is the second of three parables aimed at attacking the authority of the religious leaders.
This image comes from page 16 in A Cartoonist’s Guide to Matthew.

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Feel free to use any or all of these slides and images in your own preaching and teaching.
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Narrative Lectionary
The NL addresses the Law this year by skipping to the second giving of the Law in Deuteronomy 5:1-21 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9. There is a lot of context to cover between Exodus 3 and Deuteronomy 5. The images in this PowerPoint are designed to quickly summarize the story and then focus on The Shema of Deuteronomy 6. CLICK HERE to view the full visual commentary.

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The Gospel is Mark 12:26-27. Jesus says that God is the God of the living, not the dead.
This is page 18 in A Cartoonist’s Guide to Mark.

The Mark Download Mega Pack is here!
In one click you can download:
- A PowerPoint with 315 slides that walk through every page of A Cartoonist’s Guide to Mark,
- A .zip file with all 315 slides as .jpg images that you can use in any presentation software,
- A full-color PDF of A Cartoonist’s Guide to Mark that you can either read on your screen or print page by page for handouts.
You can download all of these things for free through the ala carte menu above. But, with ONE CLICK you can download EVERYTHING for only $25.00 (or whatever more you would like to donate).

Join me every Monday at 4:00pm Central Time for a live Bible study on Zoom.
These sessions include:
- a presentation of the visual resources for the lectionary texts for the week,
- live discussion around the texts,
- previews and behind-the-scenes peeks at what is happening at A Cartoonist’s Guide to the Bible
The video of the session remains available on the network to view at any time, in case you can’t make it for the live session.
This is a part of the Cartoonist’s Bible Network. I’d love to have you join us.
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