Here are the visual resources I’ve created to explore God’s Words of Law and Promise. This section comes from the larger Resource A Cartoonist’s Guide to Luther’s Small Catechism.

The Ten Commandments

Note: the online catechism is from Concordia House Publishing. To read the ELCA version digitally, you need to download the app iOS version | Google Play.

The Ten Words of Law and Promise (aka the Ten Commandments) were spoken to the Children of Israel at Mt. Sinai in Exodus 20:1-17. This PowerPoint will help you place the story in context.

[slideshare id=238731050&doc=acartoonistsguidetothegoldencalf-201004135035&w=800h=350]

The Ten Commandments are actually ten words of promise. The Hebrew word is "dabar" and it can be translated word, command, or promise.

Exodus 20:1-17

I like to divide the promises into three sections...

You Will Love God

You Will Rest in Equality

You Will Love Your Neighbor

It is important to remember that the Ten Commandments, or God's words of Law and Promise, were given to a particular people at a particular moment in history. This video places the words in context.

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