This post offers visual resources for the Revised Common Lectionary for July 2, 2023. The RCL take us to the story of Abraham when God tells him to sacrifice his son Isaac in Genesis 22, Paul’s declaration that we are set free from sin in Romans 6, and the final section Jesus’ sending of the twelve on a mission in Matthew 10. It is also Independence Day weekend in the USA, so it is appropriate to explore a theme of being set free. The NL continues a three-part series on 2 Peter.
A Visual Reflection on Independence Day
Before we dive into the RCL texts, allow me to share this visual meditation on independence. I think it connects well with the Romans 6:12-23 text. Paul says that we have been set free from sin, but that we are not simply free to serve ourselves. We are now “slaves to God” or “slaves to righteousness.” What he means, I think, is that true freedom is not selfishness, but is the maturity to know that we all need each other and are called to use our freedom to love our neighbor, even our enemies.
The image below connects this to the developmental language of the maturity growth journey from dependence to independence to interdependence.

Read more about the growth journey with God in the post How to Grow in Faith.
Revised Common Lectionary
Here are quick links to all the texts for this week:
July 2
Genesis 22

This image and these slides provide the narrative framework of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22:1-14.
[slideshare id=250265463&doc=genesis12-23thepromisetoabrahamandsarah-210922142056&w=800]
Romans 6
This week we move a little farther through Paul’s argument to Romans 6:12–23 where he uses the imagery of slavery.

You might find this sermon interesting in how I use these images to explore Romans 6.
[slideshare id=148114404&doc=acartoonistsguidetoromans61-14-190529111948&w=800]
These images comes from page 7 in A Cartoonist’s Guide to Matthew.

Preview PowerPoint
Feel free to use any or all of these slides and images in your own preaching and teaching.
[slideshare id=255482649&doc=matthew935-1042-230123170345-1c2395de&w=800&h=600]
Narrative Lectionary
The NL will be working through 2 Peter in the month of July. This is one of the few books for which I have never create a visual.

Join me every Monday at 4:00pm Central Time for a live Bible study on Zoom.
These sessions include:
- a presentation of the visual resources for the lectionary texts for the week,
- live discussion around the texts,
- previews and behind-the-scenes peeks at what is happening at A Cartoonist’s Guide to the Bible
The video of the session remains available on the network to view at any time, in case you can’t make it for the live session.
This is a part of the Cartoonist’s Bible Network. I’d love to have you join us.
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