by Steve Thomason | Feb 7, 2020 | podcast, Visual Preaching
Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis is a pastor and professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. In this interview we talk about the purpose of preaching as a performative act in which the word is embodied. The goal of preaching is to join Mary Magdalene in John 20 and say, “I have seen Jesus.”
by Steve Thomason | Feb 4, 2020 | podcast, sermons2020
Have you ever felt like a lost cause, or know someone or something that seems like a lost cause? This sermon explores Mark 4:35-5:20 and how Jesus rescues a man who was the lost cause of his town. The curious part of the story is to see how the townspeople react to it.
Are we willing to do whatever it takes, and no matter what it costs, to include everyone in the Good News?
by Steve Thomason | Jan 29, 2020 | podcast, sermons2020
A sermon on Mark 1:1-20. What did Jesus mean when he said, “Repent and believe the Good News?”
by Steve Thomason | Jan 20, 2020 | podcast, sermons2020
Change is hard. Even when we know it is coming, change is a disruptive force that brings stress and anxiety. This sermon uses Mark 2:1-22 and Jesus’ comments about New Wine and Fresh Wineskins to explore how to deal with change in life.
by Steve Thomason | Nov 13, 2019 | podcast, sermons2019
This sermon explores, both visually and dramatically, the metaphor of God as a parent to a wayward child. The disobedience of God’s child, Israel, breaks God’s heart. Yet, in the end, God’s compassion for Israel wins out over any feelings of...
by Steve Thomason | Nov 8, 2019 | podcast, Visual Preaching
Pastor Stephanie Williams Obrien is one of the co-founding pastors of Mill City Church. This congregation meets for worship in the auditorium of the Sheridan School in Northeast Minneapolis. They seek to be part of the community, see what God is doing, and join God in it.
She is an adjunct teacher of preaching at Bethel Seminary.
Church planting with Michael Binder.