A Reflection on Christ the King

Christ the King Sunday can be a difficult topic to preach, especially for Citizens of the United States. It is baked into our Revolutionary DNA to distrust a king! 

Human kingdoms are built on the idea that one man has all the power. Whatever the king says is law. The reign of the king’s power reaches to every border of his kingdom. If you disagree with the King, you die.

That’s a lot of power for one human being. Most human kings don’t hold that power well and a lot of people suffer under the hands of a tyrant who seeks wealth, power, and control.

Praise God, we do not have a king like that! Jesus never claimed himself to be the King. He proclaimed that the basilea ton ouranonKingdom of God, the Kingdom of the Heavens, the Divine Reign, the Divine Commonwealth was at hand! Change your perspective and trust it! (Mark 1:14, Matthew 3:17)

Jesus points us to a God who rules, not as a tyrant, but as a Loving Parent–whom Jesus called “Abba”–seeking justice and righteousness for all of creation. Jesus sits at the right hand of God as the lamb who was slain.

This is an upside down kin-dom of love. The Way of Jesus will always be counter cultural to any human system that worships/feeds power, money, greed, self-exaltation, and the abuse of another human being. 

I offer you three resources to contemplate Christ as King this week. The first two are the images below. The third is this post where John Cobb talks about the Divine Commonwealth. Enjoy!


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Download visual resources to help you preach, teach, and study the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary for November 24, 2024.

For the Revised Common Lectionary

2 Samuel 23:1-7 David’s Last Words

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 The Son of Man

Revelation 1:4b-8 The Alpha and Omega

John 18:33-37 Jesus and Pilate

For the Narrative Lectionary

Jeremiah 36:1-8, 21-23, 27-28; 31:31-34

So. Much. Good. Stuff.

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