This week I share the work I’ve been doing around the subject of worship. Two things converge for me this week: First, I am the new Dean of the Chapel at Luther Seminary and it is my responsibility to cultivate, steward, and shepherd the worship and spiritual life of our Seminary. Second, I am writing a course called Loving God with our Spirit for Faith+Lead Academy in which I talk about the spiritual practice of worship.

I spent all day on Friday visually thinking through the question, “Why are there so many worship styles, and how do I choose one that’s right for me?” I find that Toon Boom Storyboard Pro is an excellent tool to create multi-dimensional mind maps. If you’ve read my book The Visual Preacher then you know that I love creating mind maps to visually explore a sermon, or any presentation. This livestream is an example of that.

I hope you find this session interesting and helpful. I get rambling a bit, and definitely run out of time to go deeply into all the ideas I drew about.

Learn more about The Visual Preacher

Learn about Toon Boom Storyboard Pro 

Learn more about The Overflow Principle 

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