Jesus Calms the Storm (and slays the Giants)

The readings for this week bring us to two epic stories of overcoming the odds. Young David defeats the mighty Goliath with only a sling and a stone…and faith in God. Jesus speaks to a mighty storm on the sea of Galilee and it becomes still.

What are you facing this week that requires faith and power beyond your ability to overcome?

My prayer for you this week is to speak the words that Jesus spoke to the sea, “Peace, be still.”

Get Your Downloads…

Download visual resources to help you preach, teach, and study the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary for June 23, 2024.

David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17

Job’s Vision of God in Job 38:1-11.

The Acceptable Time in 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

Jesus Calms the Storm in Mark 4:35-41

1 John 1:1-2:2 for the Narrative Lectionary series.

So. Much. Good. Stuff.

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