Following Jesus can be difficult.
He often calls us to swim against the current of culture. When society tells us to draw boundaries around ourselves and build up walls between groups, Jesus calls us to tear them down and reach out. That can sometimes make the people closest to us very uncomfortable. You may even be rejected by your biological family.
The Gospel reading this week shows how Jesus found his family group with those who followed his difficult path. Even though the larger culture accused him of being demon possessed, he stayed true to God’s call and gathered those around him who sought the same.
May you find strength and encouragement this week as you seek to follow Jesus, even into difficult places where you might feel all alone. Remember, you are not alone.
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Download visual resources to help you preach, teach, and study the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary for June 9, 2024.
The People Reject Samuel in 1 Samuel 8:4-11.
God confronts Adam and Eve in the Garden in Genesis 3:8-15.
Living by Faith in 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Jesus’ True Family in Mark 3:20-35
The Lord’s Prayer Resources for the Narrative Lectionary series.
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