The Holy Spirit shook the room where the disciples were hiding and disrupted their lives forever. The Day of Pentecost is celebrated around the world by Christians of all flavors and marked as the “birthday” of the church.

I will offer some reflections on Pentecost and the disruptive nature of the Spirit in a moment (keep scrolling). If you just want some visual resources for your Day of Pentecost celebrations and teaching, then check these out.

Feel free to play this video during worship. It is a reading of the text along with illustrations from A Cartoonist’s Guide to Acts.

OR, you may want to use this presentation in worship while you guide your people through the text.

[slideshare id=257816475&doc=acts21-13-230513143309-bb0fed17&w=550h=250]

 What is Pentecost?

Pentecost is a Jewish holiday that happens 50 days after Passover. It came to represent the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. Jews would make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem from all parts of the world to celebrate this holy day.

Something amazing happened when the disciples of Jesus gathered in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.

The Holy Spirit came upon them in a new and fresh way. The Spirit shook the house like a mighty wind and descended upon them like tongues of fire.

The disciples were filled with power, courage, and the ability to speak (or be heard) in languages they did not know.

The story is found in Acts 2:1-13.

That’s what happened. But, what does it mean? How does it relate to us today?

Two thousand years later the church finds itself in need of another Spirit disruption. We, like the Jewish people of Jesus’ day, are divided into factions. Much of our Christianity has been reduced to ritualism, church membership, or individualistic piety.

This Pentecost, I encourage you to reflect on one simple thing. The same Spirit that filled Jesus’ disciples with courage and the power to be witnesses of the Good News is the Spirit that fills you.

What is the Spirit wanting to disrupt and recharge in your life this year?

I invite you to join me in the Cartoonist’s Bible Network to discuss these things in real time.

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