This post offers visual resources for the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary for October 16, 2022. Luke 18:1-8 and Joshua 24:1-15.
Revised Common Lectionary | Luke 18:1-8 | Persistent Prayer
The religious leaders ask Jesus when the Kingdom of God will come. He warns them that things will get very dark and difficult for them. The picture he paints for their future is grim, and he attributes it to their own arrogance. However, in the midst of the coming suffering, he reminds them that God is faithful to the truly humble and persistent in prayer. It is important to keep these eight verses in the context of the immanent suffering so that they do not get distorted into a prosperity Gospel message, or a vending machine God message.
This image come from page 19 in A Cartoonist’s Guide to Luke.
Preview PowerPoint
Feel free to use any or all of these slides and images in your own preaching and teaching.
[slideshare id=249897099&doc=luke1711-1830-210731140653]
Narrative Lectionary | Joshua 24:1-15 | The Summary of Joshua…”Choose this day whom you will serve.”
The Narrative Lectionary jumps from the giving of the Ten Commandments last week all the way to the end of Joshua’s campaigns this week. You may want to review the rest of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and the stories of Joshua in order to provide context for this particular passage. There are visual summaries of these books in each of these pages that might help frame the story.
To be honest, I only have three images for the entire book of Joshua. You can right click and save them directly from the images below. I don’t have a full PowerPoint for this week’s text.
Don’t forget to read the commentary at Working Preacher.

Join me every Monday at 4:00pm Central Time for a live Bible study on Zoom.
These sessions include:
- a presentation of the visual resources for the lectionary texts for the week,
- live discussion around the texts,
- previews and behind-the-scenes peeks at what is happening at A Cartoonist’s Guide to the Bible
The video of the session remains available on the network to view at any time, in case you can’t make it for the live session.
This is a part of the Cartoonist’s Bible Network. I’d love to have you join us.
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