Do you ever feel lost? Do you ever feel like you are on the outside looking in to a world in which you don’t fit? The Good News that Jesus brought to the world is the same message that the Broadway Musical Dear Evan Hansen brings: No One Deserves to Disappear and You Will Be Found.
This sermon uses Dear Evan Hansen to connect to Jesus’ parables of Lost and Found in Luke 15:1-32. The religious leaders mock Jesus for hanging out with “sinners.” Jesus responds by telling three stories of people who lost things and what they did to find them. (read more here)

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[slideshare id=152630389&doc=acartoonistsguidetoluke15-190629131912]
This is the Music Video I played at the end of the sermon.
Hey Pastor Steve, Just listened to your sermon of July 16 You will be found. The story of the Prodigal Son brought back memories of the group discussion at one of the Men’s Group at Grace a few years back. We spent the whole hour plus discussing how we would of reacted etc… I still struggle at how it went down for the father and his two sons. Good story and good conversation with this issue. Hope all is well for you and the Church. Take care.