There is no manuscript for this sermon on 1 Corinthians 13. I basically preached through this post. You can listen to it, though. The real sermon is the CBS video below.
This is my simple translation of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love puts up with us even when we blow it, it is the most excellent way of goodness and kindness that gives us a chance, because it has a low boiling point.
It doesn’t toot its own horn or puff itself up. It doesn’t force itself on others, it doesn’t seek after its own desires. It is other-oriented.
It doesn’t get all riled up over silly things or keep a list of offenses to use against you. It doesn’t get excited about the wrongs we’ve done, instead gets very excited when we dwell in the truth.
In all things love protects us, believes in us, has hope that we will make it to the end, and always waits up for us, no matter how long it takes us to get there.
In the end, love will never let us down or give up on us.
Thank God for the Pastor who posted this video from CBS News on to our Narrative Lectionary Facebook page! It was the best sermon I could have preached.