by Steve Thomason | Dec 4, 2016 | podcast, sermons2016
This sermon, from Joel 2:12-13, 28-29, looks at the two sides of love. On one side we must open our hearts. When our hearts are open, then, on the other side, the Spirit of love and peace can flow to and through all people. Watch the Video Follow the PowerPoint...
by Steve Thomason | Nov 27, 2016 | sermons2016
This sermon looks at the story of Daniel in the lions’ den in Daniel 6:6-27 and asks how we can find hope in our own lives when we feel like we are surrounded by beasts. Watch the Sermon Video Follow the PowerPoint [slideshare...
by Steve Thomason | Nov 13, 2016 | sermons2016
This sermon looks at the story of Isaiah’s call to ministry found in Isaiah 6:1-8. Here we see a cycle of three qualities that are necessary to form us into servants of God. Follow the PowerPoint [slideshare...
by Steve Thomason | Oct 23, 2016 | sermons2016
This is the fourth sermon in our Take a Step to Give Series. This week we ask the practical question: How much should we give? The Bible does not give a clear answer, but this sermon explores how percentage is a way to think about equality in giving. [slideshare...
by Steve Thomason | Oct 16, 2016 | sermons2016
This sermon explores how we can take a step in gratitude by getting back to the basics. The church is a group of people gathered around the Good News that we have been set free through Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The reality of the Gospel sparks...
by Steve Thomason | Sep 25, 2016 | sermons2016
Have you ever looked at your family system and felt shame and/or disappointment? “How is God at work in this mess,” you wonder. This sermon comes from the Narrative Lectionary text, Genesis 37:3-8, 26-34; 50:15-21, and reminds us that, even in...