Blinded by the Light | A Sermon from Acts 9:1-20
Saul encounters the Risen Christ on the road to Damascus and is blinded. Ananias encounters the risen Christ and is told to help Saul. Both men learn a new way to see in Acts 9:1-20.
Saul encounters the Risen Christ on the road to Damascus and is blinded. Ananias encounters the risen Christ and is told to help Saul. Both men learn a new way to see in Acts 9:1-20.
This sermon was filmed on location at Oheyawahi/Pilot Knob in Mendota Heights, MN. It brings three things into conversation:
Paul’s speech on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-31
The current #georgefloyd outburst of protests around racial injustice.
The Oheyawahi sacred grounds and how the indigenous people fit into the conversation in the midst of black/white racial tension.
How do you navigate conflict in the church, or in the world? What does love look like in a pandemic? The church in Corinth was riddled with conflict and arrogance, even around the topic of spiritual gifts. The Apostle reminds the church that each of us is one part a larger whole. He shows them the most excellent way….love.
This sermon walks through 1 Corinthians 13 and explores what love looks like when the world is arguing over how to reopen in a pandemic?
Peter and John gain a new perspective as they encounter the man begging by the Temple gate in acts 3:1-10.
This sermon explores Mark 10:32-52 and asks “What do you see when you look at Jesus?” So much of what we see, in anything, is the result of what we have been culturally conditioned to see. James and John saw Jesus as a tool to get them to fame, power, and glory. Bartimaues saw Jesus as a merciful healer. What do you see?
This sermon explores how the Transfiguration of Jesus provided a glimpse of hope for his disciples as they were about to face a most difficult journey.