Ezekiel 33:30-33

Ezekiel was a professional preacher.  Every day he would speak the words of the Lord to the people of Israel that were in captivity.

What attitude did the people have toward Ezekiel and his message?

What was the problem with this attitude?

Think about examples of how you have seen this attitude at work in the church in our day.  How often have you slipped into this kind of attitude?

How often we get comfortable in our American churches.  Everything is going so well that we can become complacent and apathetic towards the sin that has infected us.  Church becomes more of an entertainment venue about which we critique with a “thumbs up or thumbs down” mentality, rather than viewing it as an opportunity to come into the presence of the Holy God to be cleansed by His word.  Evaluate your heart today.  What is your attitude towards God’s Word?  Do you take it to heart, or is it just a “love song” that makes you feel all warm inside?  God loves you.  He loves you so much that He does not want you to tolerate mediocrity in your life!

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