Our Journey
in August – October

Throughout the months of August – October, 2024, we will explore and experience the Art of Discipleship.

  • What is a disciple?
  • How can we be disciples of Jesus in the 21st Century?

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Take the Four-Week Course from September 17-October 8, 2024. learn more…

The Art Pastor Live

Join me on Fridays at 4:00pm CT for a livestream on my YouTube Channel where we create art together in real time and reflect on what God might be doing in our lives today.

Posts for the Journey

Drawing the Why Jesus Images in Photoshop

Drawing the Why Jesus Images in Photoshop

In this episode of The Art Pastor Live you are invited to watch me create the images in Photoshop for the Why Jesus presentation. We geek out about the theology of discipleship and the process of creating digital paintings

Join Me on A Journey of Discipleship

Join Me on A Journey of Discipleship

We begin our journey in the Art of Discipleship on August 1. In this post I lay out some big opportunities for you to grow deeper in the love of God as a disciple of Jesus.

Share your art and reflections with a community.

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