Our Journey in July

Throughout the month of July, 2024, we will explore and experience the Art of Ordinary Time.

  • How do you connect with God in everyday life?
  • How I connect with God through drawing and painting nature.
  • Lots of drawing and painting…

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Posts for the Journey

The Universe in Your Backyard

The Universe in Your Backyard

In this session of Art Pastor Live I interview photographer Ethan Thomason and am filled with awe and wonder as we view his gallery of photographs in which he captures the vast universe of the tiniest life forms that grow in our backyard. You don’t want to miss it.

A Gallery of Plen Air Paintings and a Live Pencil Portrait

A Gallery of Plen Air Paintings and a Live Pencil Portrait

In this livestream session I do three things. 1. I walk through a gallery of the plen air paintings I made while at Camp House. 2. I show you a pochade box and how to use it. 3. I spend about 20 minutes drawing a portrait with pencil. Enjoy!

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