
Theology is one of those scary words that either intimidates people or rallies them for a fight. It shouldn't be that way.


Theology is just the process of talking (or doodling) about God.

A Friendly Introduction to Theology

This playlist of videos comes from a course I taught at Grace Lutheran Church in 2016. It builds off of the book Making Sense out of the Christian Faith by David Lose and combines it with my cartooning style and theological perspective. Watch. Share. Enjoy.

Browse My Theological Library

Visualizing an Open and Relational Theology


Deep in the Burbs is my PhD Dissertation, Luther Seminary, 2015

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Theology Posts

Messy Life Together | A #Missional Sketch of Matthew 28:16-20

Messy Life Together | A #Missional Sketch of Matthew 28:16-20

I invite you to dwell in the sketch above. These are my notes from Matthew 28:16-20 as I was preparing to preach this text a number of years ago. This passage is often referred to as The Great Commission. Get context here.'s mission...

Two Parades | A Visual Meditation on Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Two Parades | A Visual Meditation on Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Millions of people around the world wave palm branches and sing a song including the word "Hosanna" on Palm Sunday. Christians have celebrated Palm Sunday, or the "Triumphal Entry," of Jesus into Jerusalem for centuries. We've also been trying to make sense out of it...

We’re All in This Together

We’re All in This Together

We are all interconnected, thus we need each other. That is one of the things we learn through studying the doctrine of the Trinity.

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