A Cartoonist’s Guide to Lent
What is Lent? This PowerPoint introduces the student to the idea that Lent is like a journey of spiritual spring cleaning. We walk for 40 days, practicing the disciplines of fasting, prayer, and service to prepare our hearts for Easter.

Preparing Teens for Interfaith Dialogue
How do we prepare teens for interfaith dialogue? It requires a combination of helping them construct a strong worldview that is open to other views while being true to itself.

An Augmented Confirmation
One of the many amazing things that happened on the Day of Pentecost in Act 2:1-4 was that the disciples were able to speak in languages that were not their native tongue. This was a powerful symbol of how the Holy Spirit was being poured out on all nations and...
Interfaith Dialogue
I experienced my second visit to Temple Israel in Minneapolis last night. This morning it is still Sabbath. Shabbat Shalom my friends. These visits were part of our ninth grade confirmation program at Easter. Last month we visited the Burnsville Mosque. Each small...