During the livestream this week I looked at Paul’s prayers for his people and noted some general themes.

At 16:20 in the video I start painting. This image was inspired by the passage in Paul’s letters along with my experience in the Mindful Sketching session on Tuesday when we dwelt in Psalm 52:1-9.

The idea working here is that we are constantly surrounded by evil forces that seek to do harm. Our strength comes first from the fact that we are like a tree firmly rooted in the steadfast love (chesed) of God. When we pray for each other, we each tap into God’s love and create a force field that protects us from evil. It takes all of us, connected, to make this work and support those who aren’t feeling it in the heat of the pressure.


Enjoy this 60-second replay of the art.

@artpastor6 Praying for your people creates a network connected to God’s Steadfast Love (Chesed in Hebrew) that is like a force field around us. This image is inspired by Paul’s prayers for his people and by Psalm 52. Watch the livestream on my Youtube Channel. #art #artist #liveart #livestream @Photoshop #prayer #bible #biblestudy #spirituality #painting #speedpaint ♬ Embrace Of Light - Hekate

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