Here are my notes from Session 2 of Jesus De/Constructed with Diana Butler-Bass and Tripp Fuller. It was an excellent session. I sectioned out the different parts and placed them in a more linear fashion below. Scroll down to get a sense of how the session flowed. Enjoy!
This session was based on chapters 2-4 of Tripp’s Book Homebrewed Guide to Jesus. See my notes of those chapters here.
CLICK HERE to view these notes as a PDF. Feel free to download and print.

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Not really crazy about the use of “deconstructionism” within a faith-based context. My opinion is that it is too burdened with post-modernity and philosophical cynicism to be helpful. I “get” people rethinking their faith and “re-owning” their spiritual journey but deconstruction has too much baggage for me to use it in a helpful manner. But that’s just me! Anyway, Steve, outstanding work as I have come to anticipate and expect! I also think that Lewis’ “liar or lunatic” phrase was not his “worst idea”…contextually in his time and age, it seemed to fit his audience. I think he might be apt to reword that phrase if given our 21st-century context. Thanks for all you do!
Thanks for the comment. I totally get what you’re saying. Are you involved in the course with Tripp and Diana? I’m sure they would love to process these ideas with you. The term deconstruct can a be a trigger for some people, to be sure. I see it as the natural process of learning, unlearning, relearning OR creation, uncreation, recreation that is the way things grow. I always appreciate hearing from you.
These notes are a great resource! Thanks for sharing your gifts for absorbing, organizing, and illustrating information with our group.
You are very welcome. Thanks for dropping a note.