hearing GodChapter Six of Dallas Willard’s book Hearing God is titled “The Word of God & the Rule of God.” It is a fabulous exploration of how the word of God is the source of and intertwined with reality itself. He says, “The very phrase ‘still small voice’ [from the previous chapter] might seem to suggest that what lies at the heart of a relationship with God is something weak and marginal. But that is far from the truth. One who hears God’s voice is operating from the very foundation and framework of all reality, not from the fringe. (p. 117)”

The chapter goes on to discuss the creative and healing (and destructive) power of words in our own, finite human experience. God, then, being the essence of Word, is the creative power of all things.

As God spoke the object concerned came into existence—whether in an instant or over a more or less extended period of time does not matter—in the same way that your hand moves in response to your thought and intention. That is the creative power of the word of God.

The word of God—the thought and mind of God—continues its presence in the created universe, upholding it (p. 125).

Then, the word became flesh in the person of Jesus. His words are powerful and he gave that authority to his disciples. We are invited to be in relationship with this word in every moment of our lives.

[bctt tweet=”The word of God—the thought and mind of God—continues its presence in the created universe, upholding it” username=”StevenPThomason”]

This is a powerful chapter that I commend to your reading.

My motivation for this post was sparked specifically by the final section. It is titled “The Bible and the Word of God.” I resonate with this section and here post it in its entirety.

Willard on the Word of God 1

Willard on the word of God 2

Willard on the Word of God 3

Willard on the word of God 4

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