E. Byron Anderson says:
In their attempts to work out a practical theology of the Trinity, LaCugna, Moltmann, and Boff share three points. They argue, first, that language about the Trinity is inherently and primarily doxological. Second, a reading of the history of God with us permits an explicit social- relational doctrine of the Trinity. Third, the theological concept of perichoresis provides a schema by which we may name a form of relatedness that affirms unity-in-diversity and diversity-in-unity. As Moltmann writes, this results in a “social doctrine of the Trinity, according to which God is a community of Father, Son, and Spirit, whose unity is constituted by mutual indwelling and reciprocal interpenetration.” From these common components, the three point toward a common goal: a correlation between the divine society of the Trinity and human society.
This article shows up as a chapter in his book Worship and Christian Identity