This is how the internet works…for some of us, anyway. I was on Facebook and saw two of my academic colleagues–Ken Reynhout and Josh de Keijzer–shared a post by Peter Enns that was written by Jeannine Brown. (check out the animation I did for Jeannine, BTW). So I read it, and loved it, and shared it as well. While I was on Peter’s blog, I read a post that was a repost of Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation on the evolving stages of faith. I knew what he was talking about, because I have read James Fowler’s Stages of Faith and Robert Kegan’s The Evolving Self and In Over Our Heads. Both Fowler and Kegan are disciples of Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg and their theories regarding stages of human development.
The internet is a web of knowledge knitted together by these wonderful little things called hyperlinks. Perhaps the interconnectivity of the web is an expression of the 5th order of consciousness in which we realize the interdependence and interconnectivity of all things. IDK.
The amazing thing about all this reading and interconnected knowledge is that it all happened while I was sitting in the dark, early hours of the morning, on my comfy chair, in my bathrobe, sipping coffee. Ah, first-world problems, right? How did the apostle Paul do ministry without the internet? wink, wink.